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A big flash of lights went by. They teleported.

Sakura, Eunchae, Chaewon, Yuqi, and Garam woke up in a dark room with a faint red light. It looks like a school dorm and there are 2 bunk beds. Sakura, Chaewon, Yuqi, and Garam are each handcuffed onto a bed while Eunchae is handcuffed to a wheelchair. And they are all blindfolded.

Eunchae: "Why am I handcuffed."

Garam: "I'm a little nervous right now."

Yuqi: "Let's take off our blindfolds."

Everyone took off their blindfold and looked around.

Suddenly that faint red light went off.

Chaewon: "It's dark again."

Eunchae: "I'm putting on my blindfold again."

Sakura: "Me too."

Yuqi: "I'm closing my eyes."

The 5 of them went quiet for a moment trying to think of a way to get out.

Chaewon: "So are we all handcuffed now? Can't move at all?"

Sakura: "Yes."

Eunchae: "Now, I'm in a wheelchair. Why are you guys in beds while I'm in a wheelchair?"

Why is only Eunchae in a wheelchair?

Sakura: "Hold on. There's sound."

Chaewon took off her blindfold again and took a peek.

They heard a weird laugh.

Garam: "Who is it?"

The weird laugh is getting closer and closer。

The guy with the weird laugh starts banging on the door.

The 5 girls were scared and they started screaming and moving closer to the wall to try to hide.

The guy came into the room.

Who is the guy that came into the room?

Garam looked up and saw the guy.

Garam : "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!"

The guy then started to take photos of Garam.

Sakura was so scared that she was huddled up and everyone was screaming.

The guy walked towards Chaewon and started taking photos of her.

Chaewon: "What is happening? Don't touch me!"

The guy walked towards Yuqi and started taking photos.

Yuqi: "He touched my legs! Don't touch me!"

Finally, the guy stopped taking photos.

Sakura: "I'm scared to open my eyes."

Garam: "Who was that?"

Chaewon: "Is the light on? Is there any light?"

The mysterious guy's phone is emitting a weak light source.

Garam sits up to see how the guy looks.

Garam: "He looks like a Joker."

Mysterious guy: "You guys better behave yourself. Let's go one by one."

The guy said in a weird voice.

Garam: "What are you doing?"

Mysterious guy : "Muahahahhahaha."

The lights turned off again.

Everyone starts screaming again.

Eunchae: "I'm still young, don't kill me!"

The mysterious man suddenly became violent. The scene was chaotic.

Eunchae: "Help me!"


Finally, it was quiet. Everyone froze. They looked around and realized someone was missing.

Chaewon: "Eunchae is gone, isn't she?"

Garam: Where's Manchae?"

Eunchae disappeared.

Chaewon: "Hong Eunchae!"

Garam: "Manchae!"

Eunchae: "Help Me!"

But because Eunchae was too far away no one could hear her clearly.

Chaewon: "They took Eunchae away."

Then were shocked and finally realized.

Sakura: "What? Really?"

Chaewon: "Eunchae is far away from us. His sound is a little farther away."

Sakura: "Manchae!"

Eunchae: "Help!"

Chaewon: "See, her voice is far away."

Yuqi: "Eunchae!"

The 4 of them keep on screaming to try to get a response from Eunchae.

Chaewon: "Oh no, she can't hear us now. He was pushed away."

Where was Eunchae taken?

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