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Eunchae pulled down her blindfold and looked around. There's a table beside the tank and there is sculpture on it.

Eunchae: "What the hell?"

She tried to open the tank but couldn't.

Eunchae: "Garam! Sakura! Help me!"

The water level keeps increasing.

Eunchae: "Help me! Yuqi! Chaewon!"

Garam: "Manchae!"

Garam: "Where are you?"

Eunchae: "I'm in the sculpture room! I'm locked in a tank now."

Garam: "Water tank."

Sakura: "He is locked in a water tank."

Garam: "Wait for us, Manchae!"

Sakura: "We need to save him quickly."

The members increase their speed of finding the keys.

On the other side, Eunchae is also looking for a way to escape.

Eunchae: "Don't panic. Chill."

She keeps telling herself to calm down while looking around.

Eunchae: "A password lock."

She found a password lock with a 4-digit number.

She looked up and found a paper with some words written on it.

Eunchae: "That villain said the code was on those pure white cards, he must be fooling me there's nothing on the pure white cards."

She looked outside the tank to find the pure white cards.

Eunchae: "Where are the pure white cards?"

Eunchae: "It's scary. Chaewon!"

Chaewon: "Yes."

Eunchae: "The code is on the pure white cards!"

She tried to ask for help from the members.

Chaewon: "On the white cards?"

Garam: "Do you want a password?"

Eunchae: "I need a password!"

Sakura: "There are white cards on this table."

Chaewon: "White cards? I don't this works."

Sakura: "You take it. Take a look at it."

Sakura: "There, Chaewon there's a scratch book on the upper bunk."

Chaewon: "No, nothing."

They keep looking and looking.

On the other side.

The water level keeps rising and Eunchae is getting more and more anxious.

Both sides are still looking for clues but can't find any.

Will they be able to save Eunchae?

Eunchae kept looking around and found something, it was a key tied to the sides of the tank.

She took the key and tried to unlock her handcuff with it. But because her hands were handcuffed she had to use her teeth.

After trying and trying, she finally unlocked the handcuff.

In the dorm.

Yuqi: "Garam, you should try looking on his bed."

She did find something.

Garam: "There is another pair of handcuffs."

Sakura: "Why is there another pair of handcuffs here?"

There is another pair of handcuffs on the 'monster's' bed.

Yuqi: "It should be the one that tied him before."

Sakura: "He was being tied?"

Garam: "That means he had handcuffs too. So he must have the key or how can he untie himself."

Sakura: "You're right"

The key might be on the 'monster's' bed.

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