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Chaewon looked up and saw a hole above the door.

Chawon: "There's a hole up there, let me look outside."

She climbed up with a chair to look outside.

Chaewon: "Even if we go out now we can't see the front. It's blocked."

Chaewon: "There's something underneath, there are words."

Chaewon: "Don't touch the switch, In case of emergency, switch off the power supply of the electronic-guard door of the opposite dormitory to open the dormitory door."

Yuqi: "So, we need to shut down the switch to open this door."

Sakura: "How to pull the brake?"

Chaewon: "Wait, everybody, I saw something along this side. There's a key."

She tried reaching for the keys."

Chaewon: "I can't reach the key."

Garam: "You can come down."

Chaewon: "You can take a look, I'll go down first."

Garam climbed up to look outside.

Chaewon: "It's to your right Right side."

Garam: "I see it."

Garam reached her hands and grabbed it easily. She handed them the key.

Chaewon: "How did you reach it?"

Sakura: "Her hands are long."

The members unlocked their handcuffs one by one.

Chaewon: "It means that we need to turn off that thing on the opposite side, right? After we shut it down this door will open."

Garam: "That's too far away."

Sakura: "Is this long enough?"

She pointed to an easel beside them.

Chaewon: "I don't think it's long enough."

Garam: "Where is the stick earlier."

Yuqi: "Here."

Sakura: "We could tie these two together."

Garam looked around and found a rope on the bed.

Garam and Sakura took the easel and the stick and tied them together.

Eunchae: "Help Me!"

Sakura: "We are coming Eunchae!"

Eunchae: "The water is almost over my body now!"

They finished tying the easel and stick together.

Garam: "Let me try."

She used the extended stick to reach the switch on the opposite side.

The stick touched the switch but wasn't able to switch it.

On the other side, Eunchae is suffering from the water.

Garam keeps trying and trying.

Finally, she turned off the switch and the room turned dark.

Yuqi: "It's dark."

Sakura: "It's dark because it's out of power."

Garam: "It's open."

They opened the door and walked outside.

Because they couldn't see, they kept touching the wall to find the room Eunchae was in.

They felt a door and pushed it open. It was the room Eunchae was in.

Eunchae: "You guys come in first then close the door, the light will turn on once the door is closed."

They closed the door and the room lit up. The members were shocked to see that Eunchae was really in a tank filled with water.

Sakura: "Oh my god Eunchae!"

Eunchae: "Save me."

Garam saw the paper on the tank.

Garam: "What does this paper say?"

Eunchae: "It says to look for pure white cards."

Chaewon: "Pure white cards?"

They start looking for the pure white cards around the room.

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