chapter 1

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Author's note: I apologize if this story isent the greatest. I haven't written a story in a long time. Hope you all enjoy. There maybe some spelling errors I apologize in advance.

Katniss's mother POV

Myself and 2 daughters Katniss and Prim where sitting at the dinner table getting ready to eat dinner, my husband is working late at the mines today so we will put some aside for him.  My daughter, Prim set the place mats down while I got the bowls out of the cupboard and started serving the turkey soup, made of fresh wild turkey that my husband along with our daughter Katniss caught while out hunting. 

We where sitting, eating our soup when all of a sudden we heard a loud explosion, What was that?? Katniss asked Frantically, then we heard the alarms going off at the mines. 

Get your shoes and coats on quickly! I told Katniss and Prim. We ran out the door towards the mine and got to a barrier that had been set up, blocking the entrance.

I asked what happened and then my whole world, our whole world my daughters katniss and Prim's entire world just fell apart. There was thick dark smoke and flames coming from the mine entrance.

There was a large explosion that killed all of the workers in the mine, including my kids father. I fell to my knees hugging Katness and Prim who where both crying hysterically.  What are we going to do? How are we going to survive?

An hour later we finally made it back home. It was confirmed that he was indeed killed in the explosion. I am lost for words. Katniss and Prim are sitting on the couch, hugging each other and crying. I could hear katniss soothing Prim, telling her it would be ok through her own tears.  I walk into my room and lay down on the bed, my thoughts scattering all over the place. I don't know how I will get through this. How will I ever get through the loss of the love of my life? How will I survive this?

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