chapter 3

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Katniss Mother's POV

Approximately 1 week has passed since the death of my husband, and I have hardly eaten or gotten out of bed. I was able to make it to the memorial service, but I can hardly move. It hurts so bad. Katniss comes in from time to time and tries talking to me and asks if I'm hungry, but I am unable to respond. Words can not describe the way that I am feeling. The tears are never-ending.

Katniss told me that she went hunting and successfully took down 2 wild turkey's and also met a boy she knows from school who taught her how to set up snares, I am proud of her, I really am and I want to tell her but I can't get the words out.

I really want to be there for Katniss and Prim, but I don't know how. I am consumed by sadness and feel like I'm being weighed down like a ton of bricks. Maybe I just need time? I don't know....I just wish that I was in a terrible nightmare and would wake up and everything would be ok... Maybe it is all just a dream. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and my husband will be here next to me in bed, where he should be.

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