Chapter 6

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Now that I dropped off Prim at school it's time to go meet Gale to go hunting. It is a fairly nice day, quite sunny outside. We agreed we would meet at the opening in the fence leading to the woods, since it is illegal to hunt we have our bows and arrows hidden out in the woods.

As I approached the fence I spot Gale, Hey Cat nip! He says in a cheerful voice, Hi gale, I reply.

Ready to go hunting? He asks, I nod and we go through the gap in the fence and head into the woods.

How was your weekend? Gale asks

It was ok, I just spent the day with my sister baking, how was yours?

Good, Gale replies with a slight smile.

We first check the snares that we set the last time we were here, we caught 2 rabbits so far which we work to unhook from the snares and set new ones.

After we set new snares we move on to the spot where we keep our bows and arrows.

Gale, how is your mom doing after losing your dad, I ask, unsure if I should ask or not but I am wondering since my mom isn't doing well with the loss of our dad.

Gale is silent for a moment, I can't tell if he is upset by the question or not.

Not well, he finally says in a low voice, almost a whisper, and continues to walk.

How are you and your brothers handling it? I ask, he is silent again.

I'd rather not talk about this, Gale says in a firm voice with a hint of sadness in his voice, I'm sorry, I reply. 

We continue walking along the trail in the woods, neither of us saying much. We finally reach the spot where we keep our bow and arrows.

We continue on the trail further into the woods to try and find something to hunt, we finally come across some wild turkey's, we get into position and I get ready to take a shot. My dad was teaching me how to hunt before passed away but I'm still not the best.

What if I miss? I think to myself.

Reluctantly, I take the shot, I missed on the first try so I decide to try again.

I miss for a second time, I sigh in frustration, it's ok Katie's, I hear Gale say, try one more time.

I get in position to try again and take one last shot this time hitting the Turkey!

Nice job Katnio! Gale says in a cheerful voice, you did it!  I did, I say with a huge smile on my face. Do you want to try to get 1 more Gale asks?

Ok, I reply, getting ready to take another shot and amazingly I hit another one!

Nice job Katniss!

Thanks, I reply, my dad must be looking out for me, he started teaching me how to hunt just before he died, I told Gale.

We decide to take a break and sit down on some rocks. We start to skin the rabbits as we sit here. It is a beautiful day and very warm outside, the sun is shining.

Katniss, I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier, he says. My dad is just a touchy subject for me and my brothers but I know you lost yours as well he says.

It's ok, I reply, it's just my mom hasn't gotten out of bed since it happened and is barely eating.

Mine hasn't either, Gale says.

All of a sudden we hear a noise and see 2 wild dogs peer through the bushes, Gale, look out! I scream. There is a tree that's easy to climb so we frantically climb up it to get away from the wild dogs.

Do we just wait them out? I ask Gale, I guess we have no choice he replies, so we sit up in the tree waiting and waiting for the dogs to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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