chapter 4

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Katniss POV

I wake up as the sun is beginning to rise, Prim is still fast asleep next to me. It is about 630 in the morning. I really miss dad, we all do. I feel this emptiness inside me, but I know I need to stay strong. If I don't, who will be there for Prim? Mom is already absent in her own world, and someone needs to keep food in the house.

I head into the kitchen to make something for breakfast. We are still really low on food, I guess I will have to go out hunting agian today and put my name in for teserae, for now I'll just heat up some left overs from last night. A few minutes later, Prim comes out of the room.

Good morning, Katniss. Prim says.

Morning Prim, I say with a smile, I'm heating up some leftovers from last night for breakfast, ok? I ask Prim. Ok, she replies.

Katniss, it's been a week now, and mom hasn't really eaten anything.
I know, I reply. We just need to give her time, I say.
She's going to be ok, right Katniss?
Yes, she will be ok, I tell Prim, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

After breakfast, I send Prim to wash up and get changed while I wash the dishes from breakfast. I then decided to go in and check on mom.

Hey Mom, I say, sitting on the edge of her bed, no reply. Me and Prim are really worried about you, I tell her, putting a hand on her back. Mom, I know this is hard, but Prim needs you. We both do. You need to find some way to push through this.

I get up and leave the room before I start to cry. This has been just too much. Dad's death, having to take care of Prim while mom is completely zoned out. It's a lot for a 12 year old.

Prim? I am heading out to go hunting and try to get us some food, ok?

Ok, she replies

When I get back, maybe we will go for a walk and get you out of the house for some fresh air. How does that sound little duck?

Ok, she says agian.

I grab my bow and arrow and head out the door. Before I make my way to the woods, I go and sign up for teserae for each of us. My mom, me, and Prim. I then make my way to the fence and head into the forest. It is a chilly rainy day today.

Katniss? I hear Gale call, not that far behind. Heading out to hunt agian?
Yes, I replied.
Do you want to work together, he asks?

I don't really, I think to myself. I really just want to be alone.

Sure, I say reluctantly.
Let's go! He says, "I'll teach you how to fish today if you'd like."
Ok, I say. Following his lead as we head deeper into the woods.

First, we come upon some wild turkey's, I give Gale a chance to try shooting one. He misses the first time but tries again and makes the hit the second try.

Nice! I said, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

I take the next shot and also hit one. Not bad! Gale says, "So far, we have 3 rabbits and 2 turkeys. The snares we set yesterday were a success.

We continue walking, and Gale leads us to a pond. Here we are, he says. He gives me a fishing line and shows me how to cast it.

So we just sit here and wait? I ask.

Yep! Patience is important when fishing, he says with a slight smile on his face.

It is actually really nice and peaceful in this spot. We have been sitting here quietly for about 10 minutes or so. Still no bites, but I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.

Katniss, I am starting to enjoy hunting with you, "Gale says.

Yesterday, you thought I was trying to steal your rabbit, and now you like hunting with me? I say, letting out a small laugh to keep the mood light.

Yes! He replies

We should hunt together nore often. It's good to have a partner to watch your back, he says.

True, I reply, and we can also keep learning from each other. Yes, that too, "he says with a smile.

Partners then? I ask. Yes! He says excitedly.

We sit here for maybe another hour, but still no bites. We decide to call it a day for fishing and continue on. We checked our snares agian, we caught 2 more rabbits. We now have 5 rabbits and 2 turkeys. I get the rabbits out of the from the snares while Gale resets them, and we continue on our way.

I think it's time to call it a day, I tell Gale as we head back towards the fence, I told my sister Prim I'd take her out when I got back.

I agree, it is already 1;00. We have been at it for a while. We probably have enough game for a couple of days. Do you want to meet back here Monday to go hunting agian? Gale asks.

Sure, I reply. We split our game evenly between us and go our own ways, heading back home.

Hey Prim, I'm home!
Hi Katniss! Look, mom is out of bed!
I walk into the living room and see our mother sitting on the rocking chair. She is out of bed, but she just sits there staring blankly, not moving or talking.
Hi mom, I say. No reply

I bring the game into the kitchen and start skinning and preparing everything. Once I'm done, I put on a stew to cook for dinner.

Prim, would you still like to go for a walk into town, I ask?
Sure, she says.

Prim gets her shoes and coat on, and we head out, we make our way into town, katniss. Can we go in some of the shops to look around?

Sure we can, I tell Prim. We head into a jewelry shop where we see some really pretty necklaces and bracelets. There was one in particular that Prim loved.

They are so pretty, she says.
Yes, there is, I say with a smile.
We head out of the store and continue looking around.
There are lots of small shops around here that have a lot of nice things. Even though we can't afford to buy anything, Prim loves to browse.

Katniss! Gale calls from just down the street, waving at me. Are you following me? He asks with a laugh.
No, I reply, laughing also
Who's that, Katniss? Prim asks.

Prim, this is my new hunting partner, Gale. we met yesterday in the woods.

Gale, this is my sister Prim. Nice to meet you, Prim, "he says with a smile.

It is now 4:00, me and Prim have been out for about 2 hours now.

We better get back home, little duck. The stew probably needs to be stirred. We say goodbye to Gale and head back to the house. When we get home, we discover that mom went back to bed.

I guess Mom went back to bed, "Prim says with a worried look on her face.
I guess so, I reply, lightly touching prim's shoulder as I walk by.

I give the stew a stir and go sit on the couch next to Prim, we decide to put on a movie while we wait for dinner to finish cooking. We are both really worried about mom and feel helpless. She did come out of her room today, which maybe is a good step forward, but she still hasn't eaten anything. I will try agian to convince her to eat dinner with us tonight.

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