chapter 2

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Katniss POV

It's ok, Prim. I say softly stroking her hair, laying next to her in her bed, It's ok.

It has been 1 week today since our father was killed in the explosion at the mine. We had his funeral 2 days ago. It was a really nice service for all of the brave workers who died in the explosion.  There was beautiful music that played and lots of  flowers to honor our loved ones lost in the accident.

We have all been having a hard time, Prim, cries herself to sleep every night and refuses to sleep alone, and mom barely ever gets out of bed. I am trying to be strong for my mom and Prim but especially Prim. We are running low on food so I will need to figure something out soon, I may have no choice but to sighn up for teserae, which will give us a supply of oil and grains but also means I'd be putting my name in and risk being chosen for the hunger games, a terrifying thought, but what choice do I have? It's either that or we starve. I could go hunting but I have never hunted without my dad before and I am not the greatest at it.

Prim is finally asleep so I quietly sneak out of the bed, trying not to wake her up, and head out of the room. Mom is still in bed which is where she had been all week, she has barely eaten anything at all, I will admit I am getting a little bit worried about her.

I grabbed my father's bow and arrow from the closet, and headed out the door towards the woods. It is illegal to hunt but my father always was able to get away with it and would often sell to peacekeepers. As I approach the electric fence, I check to see if it is on. The fence is there to keep the wild animals at bay but luckily alot of times it is not actually on. I crawled under the fence and continued walking into the woods, taking the route that me and my dad always did. I spent alot of time out here with him but he only recently started teaching me how to use a bow and arrow. This is my first time hunting on my own but also my first time hunting with a regular size bow and arrow.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot some wild turkey's, I crouched down behind a bush and got into position to shoot, I fire my arrow but miss the turkey, Damn it! I mutter to myself. I guess I will have to keep practicing but unfortunately the turkey's took off.

I continue on my way, walking along the path me and my father always used to take when I noticed something, it looked like a rope but when I got closer I realised it was actually a snare that had a rabbit caught in it, I picked it up to examine the snare and rabbit when I hear a voice from a distance.

Hey! A male voice yelled out, stealing is punishable by death you know.
I wasn't stealing, I was just looking I replied. Sure you where,What's your name? He asks in a stern voice. Katniss, I said in a low voice, Catnip? He asked No! Katniss I said more loudly making sure he could hear me.

As he got closer to me, he looked familiar, I have seen him around at school and I believe his father was killed in the same mine accident that my father was killed in, we have never talked before but I saw him at the memoriel service that was held for the workers killed in the accident.

Well Katniss, he said with a slight smile, what do you know about hunting?
My father started teaching me before he died, he was killed in the mine accident a few days ago.
He looked down, looking a little sad, mine was also killed in that accident he said in a saddend voice. I'm sorry to hear that, I told him.

Can I see your bow and arrow?
Sure, I replied handing it over to him.
You know, if you can teach me how to use a bow and arrow, I can teach you how to make snare's, what do you say?

I'm not that great with the bow and arrow myself, I tell him. My father only just started teaching me, this is my first time using a full size bow and arrow.

That's ok, we can learn together!
I smiled slightly and said sure, why not.

It might come in handy knowing how to do those snares. I say. What's your name? I ask, Gale, Gale Hawthorne he replies.

We continue walking a little farther into the woods, Gale taught me how to set up the snares and finally we found the wild turkey's agian. I showed him how to shoot and this time did not miss. I was quite proud of myself for not missing. I let Gale give it a try but he did not even come close to hitting the turkey. I gave it another go and was amazingly able to hit another.

Wow Katnip, Gale said. Not bad for your first time hunting on your own he says.
Yah, I reply, quite proud of myself. Please don't call me katnip! I say in a firm voice, my name is Katniss!
Sorry Katniss, he says. Let's go check those snare's. Shall we? He asks.

Me and Gale headed back in the direction we came, checking the snare's we set along the way. Amazingly we got 2 rabbits.

Well Katnip....I mean, Katniss, Gale says with a slight smile on his face. It was nice to meet you.

I smiled back, it was nice to meet you as well. Here, take a turkey. I offer. He accepts and gives me one of the rabbits as well as we approach the fence which luckily was still not on.

See you around? He asks.

See you around, I said nodding my head and heading our separate ways towards home.

I'm not quite sure what to think of Gale Hawthorne, is he a potential threat? Competition? It's hard to know. Maybe we could become hunting partners but I do prefer to be on my own. Especially now. I miss my dad so much.

I walked in the door, Prim was awake and came to greet me. Katniss! She said, where did you go? I just went to try and find us some food but I'm back now, I say giving her a hug. Why don't you help me make some dinner little duck? She smiles and nodded her head, we prepared the rabbit and made that with some rice.

After dinner I went into mom's room to check on her.

Mom? I ask. She doesn't reply but she is awake, laying there, blankly stareing at the wall. Mom? I say agian. Aren't you hungry? I ask. She still does not say anything. I went out hunting today, caught a wild turkey and also got a rabbit. I met a boy from school out hunting as well and he taught me how to use snares.

She still dosent say anything so I give up and walk back out to the living room. Prim went to lay back down in her bed so I decide to join her and we both fell asleep fairly quickly.

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