BatFam Incorrect Quotes // Jason x reader

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(most will be audios from online)

Dick: I love you

(Y/n): Thanks!

Dick: ok that--that hurts. That's worse

(Y/n): ok someone else try again

Tim: I love you

(Y/n): me too

Tim: you love yourself too?

(Y/n): yes

Tim: that's weirder too

Damian: or 'I love you'

(Y/n): I could see that

Dick: wait wait Jason you try

Jason: ok. uhmmm, I love you

(Y/n): ohhh yeeeaaahhhhhh

*all of you die laughing and Bruce looks confused and concerned from the doorframe*


Steph: so...he broke up with me

(Y/n): why are you looking up?

Steph: I need to cry but my foundation was $48!!!!


Jon: I shaved my eyebrows!

(Y/n): Why'd you do that?!

Jon: I! Don't! Know!


Bruce: Jason, aren't you supposed to be in a zoom call right now?

Jason (before Damian came but after Tim): I got kicked off already

Dick: Why?! What did you do??

Jason: well she said 'don't get smart with me' and I said 'then what are we paying you for' and she did not like that

Bruce: Jason, that's rude

Jason: but I'm right on this


(Y/n): Mum? Am I adopted?

Your mom: yeah

(Y/n): oh....


Damian: I'm not spending another second in this house with you utter *****

Tim: where you going?

Jason: Paris or Milan?

Damian: 'curses at them in Arabic'


Jason: if you were my wife, I would put poison in your coffee

(Y/n): if you were my husband I'd drink it

Jon: I thought they were dating

Tim: they are

Damian: this is just their disgusting way of attempting to flirt


Reporter: what is the feline fitness? any particular workout?

Selina: are you trying to lose weight? what the deal? you look great

Reporter: no no I--

Selina: no no. Seriously we have to talk about this. What, what do you want? Are you tryna fit in a cat suit?


Tim: Sorry I hit the wrong thing

(Y/n): no! 15 years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!

Damian: keep this one Todd


well my lovelies, I hope you enjoy. PLEASE COMMENT


God Loves y'all very much

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