Aliens of London

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Eddie sat forward in anticipation. His reaction must be good if Nine refuses to come out from under the table.

"How long have we been gone?" Rose asked as she came into the console room after helping Annika change which was a bit hard considering she had to wear really thick gloves. "About twelve hours," the Doctor answered, looking a bit concerned that Annika was still rather quiet. She was standing behind Rose, her skin still paler making her hair still darker. Her skin did cool down some, Mayhem taking over her healing, but Rose did still have to wear her gloves.

"Let me guess, it wasn't twelve hours?" Clara questioned.

"It was twelve somethin'," Rose sassed.

"Okay, we won't be long," Rose said. The two girls walking out of the TARDIS.

"Two days is long, Rose," Annika pointed out.

Eddie was doing his work in his flat when he hears, "Our spawn is back," making him look up.

"Why do you have to call her our spawn?"

"Because she is our spawn, we helped make her, we had sex with Loki and made her, we—,"

"Okay! I got it," Eddie cut Venom off.

"Eeeeewwwwww," Loki and Eddie's children and grandchildren groan.

"...Mayhem is stressed and trying to heal Annika," Venom growled.

Eddie stopped what he was doing, "What?" he said a bit too calmly.

Just the one word made the other Doctors make their way to join their youngest incarnation under the table. John Smith, while a clone of the Doctor, was still scared and hid behind River. Annika blinked in surprise at the lack of Doctors.

"Hybrid face," Eddie warned Tony.

Eddie heard footsteps approaching, assuming it was Rose and Annika, his door flew open, and Rose squeaked seeing a hybrid face of Eddie and Venom who just motioned her by as she quickly apologized. "You've been gone for twelve months by the way," Rose hears as she enters the flat to face her shocked mother.

The Doctor walked out to see missing posters for Rose, but why not Annika? He then looks down at the date on the poster and the double checks the actual date, then hurries up to Powell Estate, hoping he could avoid a no doubt very angry Klyntar. He rushed up and hurried into Rose's flat, briefly seeing a man, Eddie, with his arms around Annika, giving her a fatherly hug. His hearts broke hearing the small sniffles from the girl, "It's not twelve hours, it's twelve months. You've been gone a year. Sorry," he says, entering Rose's flat. He was then also interrupted by the black tendrils in the form of a hand grabbing his leg, pulling him out of the flat. Jackie and Rose followed in there shock, to see a creature with velvety black skin with white veins and big white eyes holding him up. The being opened its mouth revealing its long tongue and sharp teeth, "If you ever are the cause of my daughter getting injured or that terrified without trying to protect her I will rip out both of your hearts, shove them in your ears just to see if your head will explode with the pressure your brain will receive," Venom said before disappearing, revealing Eddie again who had dropped the Doctor on the floor. Eddie immediately went back to his daughter really wishing he could kill the man, but he wouldn't do that to his daughter.

Rory looked at the screen with wide eyes, "I see why all of them went under the table," he comments.

Amy nods, equally wide-eyed, "Or why John's hiding behind River."

Earth's Heroes React to Two Hearts and Tater tots {Doctor Who/Marvel}Where stories live. Discover now