Fix You -Coldplay

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As a young girl, Clara had always been drawn to the stars. She would spend hours lying on her back in the grass, staring up at the twinkling lights and imagining all the adventures waiting for her up there.

But as she got older, Clara began to feel lost. She struggled with anxiety and depression, and the weight of the world seemed too much to bear. She felt as though she was drowning in her own sadness, unable to find a way out.

That's when she met Jack. He was kind and gentle, with a smile that could light up a room. They fell in love quickly, and for a time, Clara felt as though everything was falling into place.

But one day, Jack was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Clara was devastated, watching as the love of her life fought for his life.

She spent countless nights by his bedside, holding his hand and listening to the hum of the machines keeping him alive. As she watched him suffer, Clara felt as though she was falling apart. She didn't know how to go on without him.

One night, as she sat alone in the hospital waiting room, "Fix You" by Coldplay came on over the speakers. Clara listened to the lyrics, feeling as though they were speaking directly to her.

She realized that she couldn't fix Jack's illness or the pain he was going through, but she could be there for him. She could hold his hand and tell him that she loved him. She could be the light in his darkness, the hope in his despair.

In that moment, Clara knew that she had to be strong for both of them. She knew that the road ahead would be long and hard, but she was determined to walk it with Jack by her side.

Over the coming weeks and months, Clara watched as Jack fought with all his might. She saw him suffer, but she also saw him find moments of joy and beauty amidst the pain.

As he took his final breath, Clara was by his side, holding his hand and whispering words of love and comfort. She knew that he was finally free from his pain, but the grief she felt was almost unbearable.

In the months that followed, Clara struggled to pick up the pieces of her life. But she remembered the lesson she had learned from "Fix You." She couldn't fix what had happened, but she could choose how she reacted to it.

She decided to honor Jack's memory by living a life filled with love, compassion, and kindness. She knew that the road ahead would be hard, but she also knew that she wasn't alone. She had the stars to guide her and the memory of Jack to light her way.


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