How It Started

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When growing up I thought that it was normal to be to have as many uncles and even more aunts. I thought it was normal to know how to throw a punch, throw a boot, take bumps and to set a broken nose back into place. I thought all kids knew how to speak three languages when they were only four years old.

I thought I was normal.

February 14, 2003 

"Please Eddie, Rey I need you to take care of Luna you know her father and brothers want nothing to do with her. I don't want her to grow up without knowing how or what love is." My mother was on her death bed and it was my birthday. It was the day after Smackdown my mother had been traveling with the WWE for the four months of her pregnancy with me. I had two older brothers but my father sadly wasn't. Jared for some reason's thought that it was the 1800s and thought that women shouldn't have a job, read, or opinions so how do you think he felt about my mothers relationship with them. For over a decade he had kept her away from the people she loved my mom had met tio Rey first when he was starting in wrestling. She met tio Eddie through Rey. My mom was their biggest supports second to tia Angie and Vickie of course.

 It's not enough to say that it did more than break their hearts when she had left... 

"Hey mami don't worry it's going to okay muñeca you and Luna are going to make it out of this just fine." Eddie said while siting bed side holding my mom's hand silently praying to any god that was listening. "Yeah don't worry, puedes quedarte conmigo, Angie y los niños. Dom y Aliyah se mueren por volver a ver a su tía favorita. Estará encantada de saber que tendrán una hermana pequeña. That sounds nice right" Rey kissed her other hand with a small tear goin down his face, my mom just gave him a sad smile. "We all know I am not leaving this hospital alive. It's okay as long as Luna is loved. I want you both to promise me that." My mother gave both their hands a squeeze looking at them with glassy eyes. 

Rey and Eddie looked at each other nodding than looking back on her. 

"We swear."

'but two can't keep a promise if one of them is dead'

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