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Me and Rhea were circling each other. Looking each other through the eyes into the soul neither daring to blink or look away. I was first to walk back into my corner where Dom was waiting. He cupped his hand over my ear whispering, "You can do this little sis so her and everyone why your a Mysterio." I nod smiling.

3rd Pov

"I must say Corey the tension in not only the square circle but in the arena is not only thick my suffocating we have two amazing athlete's in there right now who do not like each. In one corner we have Rhea Ripley a dominate force in the women's division you has be eradicating everyone she's stepped in the ring with.  In the other you have Luna Mysterio someone who has been trained by legends since she's been able to walk but unlike Rhea, Luna does not have the factor tat is the rest of the Judgement Day. All honesty as much as I don't want to say it I don't see Luna coming up on top of this." Kevin Patrick  say to Corey Graves

IN the ring you see the two wrestlers circling each other than locking up. Luna goes for a wrist lock about to go for a kick to the stomach but not before Rhea pulled her into a headbutt making Luna stumble.

"Oh headbutt to the Mysterio princess she looks like she's seeing star Kevin!" Corey said winching a little.

"Your right Corey but don't count her out just yet." Kevin said cheering on the young Mysterio as thshe shook off the pain stamping Rhea in the stomach than doing a Russian leg sweep than going into a octopus stretch a submission she called the New Moon locking her in. (If you don't know wrestling I suggest youtub that because I have done that move and its fun)

"That's it! That's it Lulu keep her there." Dominik screamed from outside the ring in her corner.

"Come on Rhea you were never able to get out of my New Moon. Just tap out!" Luna yelled out to Rhea squeezing her harder. Rhea refused turning herself over struggling to get up. Till she was standing up holding Luna in the air.

"Would you look at that power! See Kevin if Dominik and Luna would just she could have the level of strength that the rest." Corey was standing at this point.

Rhea slammed Luna into the mat knocking the wind out of her making her gasp trying to find her rhythm again to breath. Dominik was slapping the apron trying to encourage her to get up  not seeing Finn come behind him with a kick. Damien picked him up and slammed him in the steel posted adding to his injury. Rhea was kicking Luna repeatedly before Luna grabbed her leg and turning her into a pin. 

"Priest and Balor have flatten Dominik Mysterio and Luna has not even noticed yet!" Corey said

"One! Two! Out at two Luna Mysterio almost won this match-OH!" Kevin was cut off when sent a big knee to Rhea you could her that echoing through the arena knocking her down. 

Luna climbed the top rope, "She's feeling froggy tonight!"  Smacking her  chest and shimmy before taking the leaping.

"Frog Splash to Ripley! One! Two! Three! Mysterio for the win!" Kevin said as Luna's theme played

Luna exited the ring running to Dominik sending a spin kick to Finn and jumped on Damien trapping him in a Black Widow sending him to his knees where Dom sent a punch to his face knocking him down making Luna let him go. Luna grabbed Dom's face asking if he was okay and Dom did the same asking if she was okay. While saying he was fine even though his lip was bleeding. Both of them made their way backstage. In fear of Judgement Day catching them.


"Grab your stuff we have to get out of here I'll go bring the car around. Keys!" Luna tossed the  keys to her rental car. Dominik ran out the room as Luna was stuffing everything in her bag than grabbed her coat and ran out. She ran pass staff members and superstars, leaping over chest and squeezing through people. But failing  as she was looking back.

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