A Piece of Advice

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Two months passed rather unremarkably with Bilbo following Melkor around the lavish mansion holding a basket full of medications and cigarettes.

It was heavy at first, lugging about a dozen bottles and cartons, but after a few days he realized he could just portion the ones he would need through the day and put them in ziploc baggies labeled with times and had three lone cigarettes and a lighter in his basket.

After a while, Bilbo could recognize the various pills by size, shape and color and didn't even need to label the bags -he still did though, just to be safe.

On this particular afternoon, Bilbo was staring off into space -his gaze never leaving the clock on the wall- as he sat in the office he had first met the Bauglirs in waiting for the next time period to give Melkor medicine or wait for him to request one of the two cigarettes he was yet to smoke today.

He was so incredibly zoned out that he did not even register anyone else had entered the room until an unfamiliar voice started talking.

Bilbo blinked a few times as he looked at the new person, seeing a tall man with black hair littered with many white streaks (almost skunk-like, he pondered) and lime green eyes dressed in black slacks and button-up with white suspenders.

Seeing that Bilbo had no idea who the stranger was, he was just going to call him 'Beetlejuice' in his head until he found out.

"Who is the cutie, boss?" 'Beetlejuice' inquired, looking at Bilbo

Melkor glanced at Bilbo for a moment before looking back at the other man, "Not for sale."

The nearly monochrome man shrugged, "I never said-"

"You were leading to it, Langon, I know you." Melkor interrupted, "Why are you here?"

"A shipment heading to Gondor was interrupted." The male Bilbo now knew was called 'Langon' replied, "Driver was killed and we found the truck on the border of Rohan. They left this behind."

Langon reached into his back pocket and pulled out a printed photo of what looked like the back of a hauling truck with the doors open, revealing the container was empty and one of the interior walls held a white hand.

The blond had no idea what was so special about the graffitied white hand, but it clearly meant something to Melkor based off his reaction, the scarred man asking, "What all was taken?"

"Three hundred pounds of unrefined iron ore, nearly the same amount of obsidian and the special shipment." Langon answered, "The truck attacked wasn't a company truck, it was unmarked."

Melkor finished the sentence, "Which means we got a rat. Who else knows about this?"

"Just me, you, and my boys who found the truck." The skunk-haired male replied

"Have the normal shipment resent on a company truck and I want you to personally transport the special one." Melkor decided, "News of this fuck up is not reaching the top."

"Got it, boss, what do you want me to do about the rat?" Langon inquired

"I will handle it, you will do nothing." The scarred man snapped, then looking at Bilbo, "I need a smoke."

Bilbo obeyed immediately, getting a cigarette from his basket and handing it Melkor, lighting it immediately after.

Melkor took a drag from his cigarette, looking back at Langon, "Go."

Once Langon was gone, the black haired man then looked at Bilbo again, as if he were contemplating something.

After a few moments, Melkor asked, "What would you do in my place? If someone was selling company secrets but you did not know who?"

The green eyed male did not answer immediately, thinking his answer over before saying, "I would narrow down my list of suspects and then I would feed each of them a different distinct piece of information and figure out which one my competitor heard about. For you, you could have each suspect told about shipments going to different locations and whatever location is attacked will give you you answer."

Melkor seemed pleased by that judging by his smile, Bilbo could not help but smile back and blush.


A few weeks later, Bilbo had just finished his shift for the day -having given Melkor the pills he had to take with dinner- and returned to his bedroom.

Sitting at his desk, he started to play on his computer when he suddenly heard a gunshot, jumping out of his seat.

Leaving his room to investigate the noise, a maid walked past him heading to her own room.

"What was that?" He asked

She did not look too concerned, "There are gunshots every now and again, no need to worry until there are a bunch without stop. A single is nothing to worry about."

"You are not even slightly scared?" Bilbo incredulously asked

The maid shrugged, "The pay is so good here and it is none of my business what they do upstairs."

Bilbo was not utterly convinced and made his way towards the sound the gunshot had come from, but before he could climb the staircase back to the main floor he came across Mairon.

"I heard a gunshot, is everyone okay?" Bilbo asked, worried

Mairon seemed surprised by his question but assured him, "Oh yes, Melkor was cleaning one of his antqiue guns and it went off. He is perfectly fine."

The golden-eyed male then handed Bilbo a medium thin velvet box, "He also wanted me to give this to you, to thank you for your advice."

Bilbo took the offered box and opened it, seeing a golden chain necklace that held a crystal pendant that had a real pressed cherry blossom inside, "I couldn't, this is beautiful."

"It is yours." Mairon insisted, escorting him back to his room while upstairs a 'rat's' corpse was disposed of


In the aftermath of getting his necklace, Bilbo's feelings about his situation began to shift.

He felt appreciated, like his voice had mattered for once, whereas back at home with his parents they had made all the major decisions of his life.

And honestly, he was more angry at his father for losing so much money that he was indebted than he was at Melkor for winning him.

Perhaps it was captive's sickness or something, but Bilbo could not find it in himself to care; besides, it was not like he was a hostage, he could leave at any time, he just needed to pay off his debt.

With one hand playing with the crystal pendant on his necklace, Bilbo gazed at Melkor while sitting in the older man's office.

Most people might find all of Melkor's scars off-putting or even ugly, but Bilbo actually found they made him even more handsome -tall, dark, handsome with a deadly aura, it was nearly irresistible.

It was awful, of course, that some other person's stupidity had caused Melkor all this pain and left him half-blind and needing a cane to walk long distances.

Noticing the time, Bilbo pulled the appropriate baggie out of his basket as well as a granola bar and little bottle of water, "It is three pm, sir."

Melkor took the granola bar first, already knowing the pills could not be taken on an empty stomach, eating it in a few bites, before taking the pills with the water.

As he took the pills one-by-one, Melkor's hands lingered on Bilbo's for longer than he needed to.


A few hours later, Mairon arrived to take Melkor away to dinner and Bilbo went to his room for the night.

That night was the first time he touched himself to the thought of being squished between the Bauglirs, it was not the last

The two men be was fantasizing over did eventually discover this, unbeknownst to Bilbo, due to the hidden microphones picking up the keywords of their names that he was moaning out.

Bilbo continued to pleasure himself nightly completely unaware that they had begun listening in, hearing his sweet moans and begging.

The Secrets of Angband Manor: a Sauron x Bilbo x MelkorWhere stories live. Discover now