Vassago's Appeal

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The 72 Goetias sat at their places in the conference hall's round, marble, seats. Prince Vassago alone stood up once all were accounted for.

Bael: All members will be in order. Prince Vassago, you have the floor.

Vassago: Thank you, brother king. Brothers and sisters... I asked for this gathering because I have come across evidence of a crime, and I wish to express my frustrations with what I witnessed. Three days ago, a fire broke out at a well known traveling circus here in the ring of pride. Brother Stolas, you know of it, yes? 

Stolas: I did attend their performances from time to time, yes. 

Vassago: On that day, I felt this disturbance greatly in my heart. It was unlike the killing and suffering common amongst the lower classes. I felt the confusion and fear of so many. Tugging at my very essence, begging me to witness them. So, I departed my palace. I saw the tents ablaze. The energy of the world screamed at me. It screamed in pain. I walked inside the big tent, despite it being ablaze of balefire. I brought an extinguishing cold to the flames. There were countless dead amongst the ashes. I was too late for them. But I found one who still lived. I carried his burned body out and to a hospital. He is still recovering there. 

Bael: What about this incident makes you believe a crime was committed? 

Vassago: I foresaw a set of scales in my mind. On one side was a thief. Someone who had been in that circus. A single man. On the other side... were emotions of anger, a need for vengeance, swords, and the corpses of those innocent of the instigating wrong. That side far outweighed the other. But more than that. I looked among the dead. Their bodies were not covered in just burns. Several of them bore precise wounds, as if from a blade. Yet they were cauterized. Perhaps from the fire, though it does seem unusual. Despite such wounds being on him, the lone survivor managed to speak a single word to me. Goetia.

The Goetias murmured among themselves. Bael slammed his gavel down thrice, and they were silent.

Vassago: One or more members of this order are responsible for this fire and the murder of these innocents.

Bael: Would you now permit questions, prince? 

Vassago: Yes, brother king. 

Bael: Members of the council are now permitted to speak.

Malphas, his black raven feathers slick and shiny, stood.

Malphas: With all due respect, brother prince, what do the deaths of the common rabble, such a brutal massacre as it was, concern us? Even if the imp you took from the embers was telling the truth, how do you know he meant Goetias were responsible? Even if they were, so what if one of us struck them down?

Asmodeus stood up slowly. 

Asmodeus: Because that would be a crime. A crime against King Lucifer.

Stolas raised his hand.

Stolas: I'm aware it wasn't just a circus, but the home of the nomadic marked imps.

Asmodeus: If a Goetia had grievances with just one person, they should not have taken their frustrations out on hundreds of His Majesty's protected citizens. Such an act as this is illegal as declared by King Lucifer when he ended the Imp Wars. Especially so in this case, as the marked imps specifically were declared guarded again when their former master was sent to Treachery for violating the law the first time.

Andras, the worst owl of the two on the council, blurted.

Andras: The question still stands, brother king, what proof is there besides what brother prince Vassago has witnessed, or, claims to have witnessed.

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