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FIzzarolli clanked angrily through the hallway to the room the succubus at the front desk directed him to, walking on his cyborg hands, for he had no legs to walk on. 

Fizz: Yo, Ozzie! I heard you were here at the factory! I need help! You got any spare legs I can use!? I can't find mine! 

Asmodeus was indeed in the room, but he wasn't alone. Knelt down over an inactive Robofizz, making repairs, was a bipedal lion demon, somewhere around five and a half feet tall.

Asmodeus: Are you sure he'll even work again once you've put him back together? Barbas: Well, we can only hope. 

Fizz: Hey! Ozzie! 

Asmodeus: Hm? Oh! Well hey there! 

Fizz: Yeah, hey. You got any spare legs? I need some. I walked all the way here with my hands, and you know my hands wear down easily. Especially on concrete. 

Asmodeus: Indeed they do! So, where did your legs go? 

Fizz: No idea. 

Asmodeus: Barbas? 

Barbas remained hyper focused on his work.

Asmodeus: Barbas! 

Barbas jolted to attention. 

Barbas: Y-yes, brother king! Is something the matter? 

Fizz: Yeah, Barbell. Legs. I need some. 

Barbas looked curiously at the unlegged, cyborg imp.

Barbas: Oh. Oh, you're him. The actual Fizzarolli. 

Fizz: Yeah. It's me. And I need legs. I can't find mine.

Barbas: Legs. Huh. Maybe I moved them by mistake. 

Fizz: What? You were near my legs? 

Barbas: Yes, I hope you don't mind, but King Asmoday asked me to get a spare pair of your cyborg legs from your home for this robotic double. 

Fizz: Wha- you- I don't have any spare legs! 

Barbas: ...Oh. Oh no. 

Barbas looked down at the pair of legs attached to the Robofizz. 

Fizz: You stole my legs and put 'em on one of my stupid copies!? 

Barbas: I... I did as you asked, brother king. I swear, I didn't know he only had one pair. Uh... I'll get to taking these off right away if- 

Asmodeus: No, that's alright. I've got plenty spare. 

Fizz: You had spares, and you stole mine!? 

Barbas: Uh, well, yes. Er, no. Not stolen. I was ordered to get legs from your home and use them to fix this Robofizz. 

Fizz: I don't care who ordered what, shit for brains! 

Asmodeus: Now now, Fizzy. That's no way to address a Goetia now, is it? 

Fizz: I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to the dipshit lion who- 

Asmodeus: The "dipshit" you're addressing is President Barbas of the Ars Goetia. Isn't that right, little fella?

Asmodeus poked the top of Barbas' head with his enormous index finger teasingly. 

Barbas: Uh, yes. Yes, brother king . Asmodeus: Well, go ahead. Introduce yourself.

The Trials and Tribulations of FizzarolliWhere stories live. Discover now