Robofizz Personal Computer

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Barbas walked through the hallway back to the room he had reassembled Mammon's Robofizz in. In his arms, he carried a lifeless, uncolored, Robot Fizzarolli. He had his hell phone with the Mammon branded attachment connected by the wire to the robot's head. He looked at his phone carefully, checking every minute detail of the robot's coding. It was to his liking. When he turned and stepped into the room the sound of a zipper pulled his attention from his phone. Asmodeus stood to face Barbas with his arms behind his back. 

Asmodeus: Oh! There you are! 

Barbas: Brother king? You're still here? 

Asmodeus: Uh, yeah! Still here!

Barbas: Huh. Alright. I can show you my new project then. 

Barbas set the robot down on the floor. 

Barbas: Booting in 3. 2. 1. 

Barbas tapped his phone screen. The Robofizz jolted upright. He looked around the room studiously. 

Robofizz: This unit is assessing current surroundings. Unit registers... uncertainty.

Asmodeus raised an eyebrow.

Asmodeus: Why does he talk like that? 

Robofizz: Audio detected. Vocalization.

The robot locked its eyes on Asmodeus. He scanned him up and down. 

Robofizz: Individual identified in database as King-Prince Asmodeus of the Ars Goetia and Ring of Lust.

Fizz: Barbra, why the fuck did you make him autistic? You trying to insult me? 

Fizzarolli stepped out from behind Asmodeus' leg, brushing down his outfit with his hands. The Robofizz locked onto him next. 

Robofizz: Individual identified in database as Fizzarolli. 

Barbas: You're still here too?

Fizz: Well yeah, we- 

Asmodeus: Tell us about your new buddy, Barbas! 

Barbas: Well, it's a Personal Companion model pre-behavioral adjustments.

Asmodeus: He hasn't got any color to him. 

Barbas: Yes, I also took the liberty of dressing it in garb that hasn't been dyed and personalized yet. I thought that'd fit its intended purpose better. 

Fizz: He's boring. What's he meant for? Missionary?

Asmodeus held out his fist, and Fizzarolli extended his arm to meet it with his.

Barbas: No. I've essentially created a walking talking personal computer. 

Fizz: Unholy shit. That is by far... the stupidest thing I think anyone's done with one of these.

Barbas: There's a first time for everything, right? Someone had to do it. 

Asmodeus: What exactly did you do? 

Fizz: Yeah, this thing's supposed to be me without any brain finagling. 'Cept he doesn't act like me. 

Barbas: Actually, I should clarify that it is altered, but I did the adjustments myself. I suppressed the behavioral portions and enhanced Fizzarolli's frontal lobe scans. The logic parameters are now its top priority.

Asmodeus: I think I'd prefer if he still acted like a person. Otherwise, what's the point of using one of my robots? 

Barbas: Actually, it's just in its debug mode. 

The Trials and Tribulations of FizzarolliDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora