Guilt and a Lover's Conundrum

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It had been hours since Blitzo had awoken from his terrible nightmare. He hadn't been able to go back to sleep, nor did he want to. He just stayed in bed next to Stolas, who was sleeping so soundly it made Blitzo jealous. During all this time he had nothing to do but think. He had formed ideas he admittedly didn't like, but the guilt stirred up by his nightmare swayed him into accepting them as fact. Half of him decided what he had to do, and the other half begged someone to stop him. The pentagram-shaped sun arose. The sound of hellish birds chirping greeted it as it brought the morning. As if in sync with the wildlife, Stolas stirred. He awoke with a big, exaggerated, yawn. 

Stolas: Morning, my Blitzy. You look like you've been awake for a bit. What kept you up? 

Blitzo: Uh... a nightmare.

Stolas: Hm. A nightmare. You poor thing. 

Blitzo: I mean... it wasn't just a nightmare. My subconscious just fucking hates me. Like... that was not right. Do... Do you ever get nightmares that are just so real... they fuck you up for a while?

Stolas rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He pondered the question for a moment.

Stolas: Yes.

Blitzo: Hm. Well, I think I deserved this one.

Stolas turned over again. He put on an exaggerated, saddened face. 

Stolas: What!? No! You don't deserve nightmares, Blitzy! 

Stolas walked his fingers over to Blitzo's arm teasingly, but Blitzo stood up out of bed quick as a flash, startling Stolas. 

Stolas: Blitzy, what's wrong?

Blitzo: I'm what's wrong! Me!

Stolas blinked his eyes a few times. His demeanor shifted from flirty to concerned. 

Stolas: If I may ask, what was your nightmare about? 

Blitzo: To keep it short, I saw my old friend all... all messed up. And you were there. And... And you hated me. 

Stolas: Now why would I ever hate you? 

Blitzo: You wanna know why!? Imagine someone you care about strung up like a puppet and in agonizing pain! And it's all because of me!

Stolas: This wasn't something abstract. You feel guilty about something. 

Blitzo: Yeah, I do. I did something bad to some bad people a long time ago. 

Stolas: If it was a long time ago- 

Blitzo: It wasn't that long ago! I... fuck! Like ten years ago, maybe more! A lot of people died, Stolas! Because of me! And I left my friend to die because I was a fucking coward!

Stolas: Your friend... Your friend, his name is Fizzarolli, isn't it!? I remember the day the fire happened! 

Blitzo: Yeah, but you don't have the blood of your entire family on your hands! Go ahead, remember that day! 

Stolas: Blitz, you have family who survived! Fizzarolli survived! Your sis- 

Blitzo: Don't you dare bring my sister into this! And Fizz!?

Blitzo held his hands against his head and turned away so Stolas wouldn't see his tears. 

Blitzo: The Fizzarolli I knew died in that fire!

Stolas stood up on his knees in the bed. 

Stolas: I know what happened that day. I know what really happened. You weren't the one who started the fires. You didn't put a blade to the circus troupe.

Blitzo: Yes the fuck I did! It's because of me anyone cared enough about some low class shitbags to massacre us!

Stolas: Blitz, whatever you did back then isn't-

Blitzo: You don't get it! I haven't changed! Not at all! Everywhere I go, I ruin everything, and people get hurt! You can't trust me! Next thing you know, you'll be dead! No! No, your daughter's gonna be the one hanging by- 

Stolas viciously leaped out of the bed and tackled Blitzo. He placed his hand firmly over Blitzo's mouth. 

Stolas: Don't say another word! Not a God damn word! I know what you're doing! You're trying to run! You think running from your problems will solve them, but it won't! You think you're doing me a favor by trying to make me hate you so I push you away, but you're not! You're so set on hurting yourself in some vain attempt to save me, but let me tell you something, you irritating little man, you will regret the moment you burn that bridge behind you! You do not want to burn that bridge! I can't let you! I won't let you run away just so you can die miserable and alone! I couldn't take it! I won't let you die alone! You... you fucking idiot! You can't do that to me!

Stolas grabbed hold of Blitzo in a stranglingly tight hug. Blitzo was absolutely speechless.

Stolas: It's not your fault. I... I know it's not. Don't leave me. Please.

Blitzo thought back to his nightmare. He had asked the figure who turned out to be Stolas who had caused Fizz so much pain. Stolas had placed his hand to his chest before pointing at him.

Stolas let go of the bewildered imp. Blitzo looked into Stolas' eyes. The eyes he had seen solemnly close in admission to his guilt.

Blitzo: You're... You're right. I'm not thinking straight right now. That nightmare can go fuck itself, am I right? 

Stolas: Uh, yes. Well...

Stolas awkwardly cleared his throat and stood back up.

Stolas: I'm sorry for jumping on you like that. Um... The grimoire is in the end table on your side. First drawer. I have a lot to do today, so... I should get dressed and... 

Blitzo: Yeah, we've both got... a lot of work to do... today... so...

After the two had dressed and Blitzo had collected the grimoire, Stolas opened a portal to the front doors of the building where the IMP office was located and sent Blitzo on his way. The clown turned hitman was left worrying about the parts of his nightmare his focus had turned to. The ancient demon prince was left worrying what drastic actions the poor, conflicted imp might do while he was out of his sight. 

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