Chapter 2, Subliminal Message! The Void Hungers!

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Previously on Team Azure, Daisuke and Leo were in Earth 5's Naples Italy, they stopped a building from killing many, but what caused this explosion? A rejected magician by the name of Pyromaniac caused the explosion because the pizza place within that building did not give him a discount for not having pepperoni that day. What a needless reason huh?

Pyromaniac fought Daisuke and Leo, he attempted to transmute them, but thanks to their omni-immunity they achieved in their training within the Blue Nexus, Daisuke and Leo defeated Pyromaniac and apprehended him. Later, while the two were walking the streets, Leo noticed a flyer, being the boy scout the Cosmic Creature was, he proposed an idea of helping an elementary school's students on a new and exciting field trip that was not a typical zoo day!

A Team Azure related field trip had been held within New Suramar, the Team shared a little about themselves and even taught a little lore of their character class. Of course, most of this happened while Daisuke was away, during the first portion of the field trip, Daisuke sensed an abnormal ki.

Going outside of New Suramar, Daisuke stumbled upon a familiar face, Pyromaniac, but something was not quite right! Imbued with a villainous aura, Pyromaniac gained the ability to absorb kinetic energy! Daisuke saw through this of course and overloaded Pyromaniac with his ki, bursting him with his anti mana bullet.

Daisuke won the battle, but not the war, a mysterious individual handed him a blood soaked letter that read the words, "The Master", the mysterious individual taunted Daisuke with the severed heads of citizens from New Suramar, telling him he was testing Daisuke and that the heroes need to bolster their defenses. With his Saiyan pride wounded, Daisuke felt enfeebled, shouting in rage.

But a question remained, who was this mysterious individual? And what was, or will be, his endgame? The question will be answered soon enough....

Interlude, The Anger of a Saiyan

Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! DAMN THAT MONGREL!

How dare he outsmart me!? This was not a fight! It was a meager test to study my moves!

Within the forest, I stood there, enfeebled at this mental loss, I wanted to just destroy that bastard's planet with my two fingers.... But that is not me, I'm not some lowly space pirate! I'm Daisuke! The charismatic Saiyan Rogue and leader of Team Azure!

With Leo's little boy scout field trip expedition concluded, I flew to New Suramar, the aura of my anger had been painfully visible to the citizens as they looked at me, concerned.

"What happened with Daisuke?"

"Did someone hit on his girlfriend again?"

"Whatever it is, I'm sure those heroes will solve it!"

The banter did not concern me, as I was walking angrily enough to shake the whole planet, Selina approached me, like the other citizens, I could see the mark of worry on her face.

"Woah, Daisuke, calm down! You might end up blowing up the whole planet! Lower your ki, just talk to me for a moment, the field trip had been concluded, but those students were-"

Gritting my teeth, angrily, I waved my hand as a plea of rejection, "What those students did is none of my concern! In fact it's good that they have left the premise!"

I showed Selina the subliminal letter and explained everything, she gave her thoughts as she shifted uncomfortably at the sight of the blood, in a fit of caution, Selina used her magic to sense all the citizens of New Suramar, "Nothing seems nondescript, but from what you told me, we should not drop our guards when we're off on our own adventures."

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