Chapter 5, Calm Before the Storm! The Superior Six Prelude!

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Previously on Team Azure, Selina had an argument with her father, Acheron, surprisingly he was nice for once, but that's not the main point, Acheron told Selina that he's not as bad as her mother, Gale, and the context of that being that Gale has been talking about cloning Selina since the day she was in the womb, we'll get to that statement later... 

Selina was surprised to hear this theory, dormant anxiety spurted out when later, during a date at the mall with her girlfriend, Valentina, Selina had an outburst when she answered a question pertaining to looks, taking it to heart and assuming that Valentina thinks just because she's goth it means that she's a demonic conqueror like her father. The outcome of this lover's quarrel resulted in Valentina taking her leave, undetectable to even Selina. 

Later, Selina decides to see if her father's words were true, she goes to Mutatia to check the underground chamber during her first Mutatia experience. Selina stumbled upon a brute named Honda, she conceptually absorbed his psychic energy, destroying him, but restored Honda, not wanting to be like her father. Of course, Honda still tried to protect those underground chambers, but Selina empathetically influenced him to go act like a guard dog. 

Now within the underground chambers, Selina had a run in with her "sister" Amaya, a watery construct that was the splitting image of Selina's physique. Selina emerges victorious from the fight, but her mother arrives on the scene and knocks out Selina, before Selina lost consciousness she swears she saw Valentina pass by. 

And that was true, Valentina did indeed pass by, watching over her girlfriend, feeling bad she failed Selina as her partner, she decided to make amends and free Selina with a simple yet efficient Rogue mission. During the rescue, Valentina overheard Gale speaking with The Master, a villain seeking to outsmart Team Azure and prove he's superior to them. But during the transmission, Valentina saw someone familiar, Trixie, Selina's best friend. 

Of course, this was reported to Daisuke, Daisuke told every other member of Team Azure about The Master, however, oddly enough, Selina had faith in Trixie being with The Master for reasons currently unknown, what may those reasons be? Sometime after, Leo enters Selina's dimension of jailed demons with her, the two of them interrogate Acheron, questioning who The Master is. Acheron had no knowledge of The Master nor his connection to Gale. 

The next day, Leo meets a wallaby from a boundless area existing above the realm of the Lost and Corrupt Deities, this wallaby, Sir Skiptiklik, took over the realm of the Corrupt Deities and decided to descend down to play with Leo, perceiving him as a challenge. 

For the whole day, Sir Skiptiklik bothered Leo in and outside of his date with Ruby (rendering the poor Cosmic Creature paranoid), sometimes it was even the other way around with Leo tricking him to say his name, thus banishing him back to his boundless area. 

After Leo slices Sir Skiptiklik's throat open, thus negating his regeneration and scaring him, Sir Skiptiklik flees, not expecting Leo to get all dark and edgy on him. This was a facade luckily, Leo discreetly healed that status from Sir Skiptiklik. 

Sir Skiptiklik was happy to see Leo act nice to him, and perceived him as friendly, that however, was cut, The Master walked into Sir Skiptiklik's boundless dimensions alongside Knoare, Trixie, and Amaya. The group recruited Sir Skiptiklik after he was bribed with Swedish Fish. 

Amaya then visits Leo in his timeline and floods a church, Leo however, luckily saved it, finally recuperating his happiness from being paranoid at Sir Skiptiklik disrupting his date with Ruby. 

Remember when Pyromaniac was overloaded and exploded because of Daisuke? Well, Trixie went back to New Suramar and resurrected him, thus forming the Superior Six, how will our heroes deal with this new group of villains? Find out now.... 

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