Chapter 4, Watery Construct! A Boundless Wallaby!

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Previously on Team Azure, Trixie had a fight with two guest stars of the universe, the skirmish resulted in her stave getting stolen, however that was an insignificant loss, a mysterious individual in a suit of armor approached and recruited her, this was The Master. 

Meanwhile, Hado noticed his father, Syllvir openly expressing his traumas through his nightmares, however that swayed easily, a letter came for Syllvir, his brother, Knoare wanted to see him, Hado's mother, Gloreah, however, did not trust Knoare because in the past he was jealous over Syllvir becoming an Alpha, whereas Knoare remained an Omega of the pack. 

As the family went inside Knoare's mansion, Gloreah had a fight with her husband and left to walk and clear her mind, that however proved to be a mistake, Forsaken mercenaries attempted to ambush her, of course, they failed miserably, but the mercenaries were not the big picture, a fuchsia wolf by the name of "Plasma" was, Plasma overpowered and kidnapped Gloreah, wanting her to come to her senses and realize he's the one for her. 

Plasma gave Syllvir, Knoare, and Hado a message, beckoning (mainly) Syllvir to head to Shadowfang Keep for a fight of his life. Hado decided to go with his father, Knoare on the other hand, was scared out of his pants and did not join them. 

After overpowering an army of 100 Undead, Syllvir battled Plasma and was overpowered too, however, the Worgen had one trick up his sleeve, his Shadow Wolf form, the Worgen that bit Syllvir was no ordinary Worgen, it was an avatar of Goldrinn. Now a giant purple wolf, Plasma was defeated by Syllvir, and the family went home. Did we mention that Plasma was the nameless entity from Hado's Nightmare a while back but did not die? Well now ya know!

Later, it was revealed that Knoare was Plasma the entire time, Syllvir had not been the only one blessed with mystical wolf powers, Knoare's ambition remained, to steal the life he should have had in the first place, and all that crazy fruit loop wanted, was love, so he took a portion of Hado's mental DNA and is working to clone him. 

Like Trixie, Knoare had been approached by The Master, The Master gave him an offer he could not resist with a great strategy of showing his brother who's boss, of course, Knoare accepted. 

But what of the life of Selina, Valentina and Leo? How are they spending their time on guard from the onslaught of The Master? The answer lies ahead, now.... 

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.5, Watery Construct!

Mutatus Corruptos Dimos.... 

Mutatus Corruptos Dimos....

Mutatus Corruptos Dimos.............


My name is Selina, I am a half Saiyan, half Corrupt Deity, a Mutant of some sort, my father, Acheron only wanted me to help him conquer dimensions, I almost gave into his corruption, and pissed off a victim of his conquest, Leo. But not to worry, I made things right by jailing all the Corrupt Deities, which brings me to right now, within the infinite space I store all the Corrupt Deities for my Warlock spells. 

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