Chapter 3, From Hero to Villain! Plasma Jealousy!

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(Writer's note, Happy New Years! I was on a holiday hiatus for the next chapter... and some form of violation demoralized me into making this chapter slowly... Enjoy the story!)

Previously on Team Azure, Daisuke felt a sense of enfeeblement from falling for a trick of dropping his guard for the sake of New Suramar's safety, this enfeeblement transformed into a form of anger that could destroy the entire planet. 

From afar, Selina approached Daisuke, she was worried Daisuke might do more harm than good if he has that state of mind, Daisuke then showed Selina the letter he received from a shadowy individual, the bloody words of; "The Master" 

Selina used her magic to sense the citizens of New Suramar and found nothing was amiss, however Daisuke, still angry at his wounded pride, went inside the Blue Nexus to take his anger out on thugs he believed was connected to Pyromaniac, ravaging them apart in bits of gore, the other members of Team Azure arrived onto the brutal scene. 

Daisuke was not being himself, the vibe of him killing foes weaker than him felt nondescript within the eyes of Selina, walking away in frustration, his team overwhelmed him with positivity of not bottling his feelings up. 

The willpower of a Saiyan was not enough to contain the tears of frustration Daisuke let out, he told his team the best advice he can give with no trouble afoot... for now; 

Not to drop their guards when living their current life, for there may be trouble afoot. 

That statement proved true for Trixie, seeking power by regaining control of the void, a wandering Trixie in her former home of Eversong Woods, ran into a Death Knight, the two fought, and Trixie emerged victorious. 

But the Death Knight was the least of her worries, a suspicious Daisuke approaches Trixie. After displaying uncharacteristic traits of a charismatic leader of Team Azure, Trixie blasted ""Daisuke"" with void magic.

The simulacrum of Daisuke revealed itself to be an assassin of an individual called "The Master", this assassin's name was Iris, a green haired shapeshifter.

Iris however, had no malicious intention to hurt Trixie, instead, Iris gave Trixie a purple crystal of conceptual nature, Trixie eyed the crystal for a moment, no longer wanting to feel weak, she absorbed the crystal, reuniting herself with the void... at the cost of her heroic sanity. Most of Eversong Woods was erased by Trixie.... 

Is Trixie back to her villainous ways? The answer lies ahead!

Is Trixie back to her villainous ways? The answer lies ahead!

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Chapter 2.5 From Hero to Villain!

(Writer's note, the guest OCs in today's chapters belong to zacharyspencer6839 and At-px6m on Youtube! Thank you two for the excellent RP this portion of the chapter is based on! You have great OCs!)

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