Chapter 6, The Superior Six's Onslaught! Unexpected Jealousy!

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Previously on Team Azure, Daniel was on his date with Ramona, as the two of them romanticized, they recollected on their first encounter. Daniel was out in Dalaran performing a task for his master, Igargo, Daniel would have to win an auction for Gorehowl... the former axe of Garrosh Hellscream. 

Of course, thanks to Gavin's Infinite Terminal, which allowed for any transaction to be completed, Daniel won the auction with ease. Wanting to relax and admire the city of the magi from above, Daniel walked to the Purple Parlor, Ramona unexpectedly showed up, apologizing for controlling him, but that was needless, Daniel forgave her and the two started going out with one another. 

Come nightfall and Daniel has a nightmare about Ramona biting his neck with her vampiric fangs, but something about that dream seemed a little too realistic for poor Daniel.

So realistic that it impacted his Blue Nexus training performance, during a citizen saving session, Daniel knocked himself out by standing near the magical flames, what a noob, it's common knowledge not to stand near or in the fire. 

It was up to Gavin to complete the training regiment, Gavin figured out whom the culprit behind the burning building and affected citizens was, it was none other than the old lady with the cheesy dialogue. But she was not a product of Shaldon's magic, she was in fact none other than Daisuke, the charismatic Saiyan Rogue. 

Daisuke and Gavin fought, Gavin concluded the fight by sweeping Daisuke off his feet, thus ending the training. That did not however change the fact Daniel was mentally in peril over whether or not his own girlfriend was a member of the Superior Six. 

Leo then took a look in his mind and told Daniel some great news, that was not Ramona, but something about that "Ramona" seemed familiar to him. Daisuke dismissed it as a droll prank, but was it really?

Elsewhere and hours later, the Superior Six made their attack on New Suramar, Pyromaniac and Amaya went to the Court of Stars to cause havoc, while Plasma and Sir Skiptiklik crashed a party at the Lunastre Estate. 

Trixie and The Master made their way to the Nighthold, however, The Master lacked trust in Trixie, he wanted to see some carnage from her, ask and he received, with blood and gore splattering everywhere, Trixie killed a couple of citizens, intriguing The Master. 

The two made their way to the Nighthold, how will our heroes deal with these villains attacking their base of operation? Find out now.... 

Interlude, Vessel

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Interlude, Vessel

Hikaru, a man born in a small town in Japan to a family of martial artists, Hikaru has been training since he was 8 years old in the ways of Martial Arts, as he got older, he went to the army where he was injected with a super soldier serum that granted him superhuman agility, strength, and durability. 

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