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Namid Mirok Gohtry

Once we arived at the movie theater it was packed with people. Being that I only had known a few people in the world I spotted out that man Chano from earlier. I rolled my eyes and turned my head forward with a mug on my face as Beyre looked at me and laughed.

"Fuck you cop an attitude for?" she asked.

"That man Chano over there irritating as shit," I said pointing towards him. He had on cargo shorts, non brand slip on shoes that looked like vans or something, and a plain white shirt.

The car stopped as the driver Malcom got out and opened the door for us. Since I was the closest to the the door I got out first and he held my hand as I got down.

"Bet," Beyre said cracking up.

I stood by the car waiting for Beyre and Glory to get out. Once they were out I followed them to the ticket booth. Beyre talked to the lady and gave me a ticket for the movie Dope.

"Yo Namid, ain't that Chano?" Beyre said pointing to a man jogging towards us. I nodded, rolled my eyes, and huffed and puffed like I was seriously upset.

"Damn, who pissed in her pots?" Chano said as he had fully got closer to us and put his arm around my shoulder. I did a fake smile as Glory and Beyre laughed.

"What ya'll about to watch?" he said looking at my ticket, "Dope, oh shit me too."

"Oh God," I thought to myself.

"We can consider this our first friendly date," Chano said smiling.

Beyre and Glory were cracking up, and I didn't find this funny at all. He pulled out his phone which was an iPhone 5s gold and started to take selfies. He was actually making me laugh so in most of them I either smilled or blocked out the camera. We went into the actual theater and sat at the very top. The order we sat in was Beyre, Glory, Me, and Chano. Chano had gotten some guy to bring up popcorn but during the movie he was being so goofy it was ridiculous. We clowned the entire night. Honestly this was the best night i've ever had.

"Why you aint never hit me up Nai?" Chano asked.

"Who the fuck is Nai, bitch my name is Namid," I said back.

"Namid and Nai for short dummy," he said.

"Yeah, that's dead," I said walking to the limo.

"I'm really tryna get to know you better so, here's my number," he said handing me a card and smirkimg. I looked at the card which did in fact have his number on it including a picture of him, his snapchat, instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr, and a lot of other social media apps on there.

"Thanks love," I said blowing him a kiss and winking. I got into the limo and Beyre and Glory got in after me.

"Ya'll cute," Glory said laughing once the door had shut.

"Agreed, look at this," Beyre said taking out her phone showing the many pictures she had taken of Chano and I. The pictures she had took were actually cute.

"Thoes pictures are actually cute, can you send them to my phone?" I asked laughing but serious at the same time.

"I got chu' boo," Beyre said laughing.

Chancelor "Chano" Bennett (In the Media)

I opened the door to the house i've been staying in all my life. It was not in its best shape and it was not in the best neighborhood. The house was old, rusted, molded, and ugly. I had no choice but to live here. I flipped the light swich on to reveal a mad woman sitting on the old couch that held several memories. She had on a silk blue robe with black slippers.

"Where the fuck yo ass been Chancelor? It's fucking two in the morning, so who is the bitch?" she said getting in my face like she wanted to fight.

"Man Da'Jah I swear if you don't get the fuck up out my face," I said pushing her away from me.

"See this the shit I be constantly talking about, is she better than me?" she said hitting me starting to cry.

"Man Da'Jah fuck is you talking about for real? I told you where the fuck I was going, I went to the damn movies with some friends. Get cho' insecure ass up out my damn face on my momma 'cause you pissing me off!"

"Well, I just gotta tell you that im pregant," she said smilling rubbing her belly.

"Get the fuck on," I said about to go light a blunt.

"What chu' talking about I am pregant and it is yo baby," she said satiisfied and confident.

"Bitch, we ain't had sex in months, how the fuck yo ass get pregant with MY baby. Shit don't even add up,"

"Oh it ain't yours, bet," she said laughing while walking away. I swear I hate that bitch she always on some sneaky shit but my momma swears up and down that Da'Jah is my blessing in descuise.

I pulled out my phone to see if Namid ever hit me up but I had no missed calls or text messages. I wen't to the kitchen and pulled out a brown box from the bottom drawer. I opened the box and grabbed a blunt and a lighter. I lit the blunt and started smoking.

While I was smoking, I was thinking. "How can I get away from this thot, we supposed to be 'in love' but all she does is cheat and lie and i'm tired of it. We've been together since high school and I had never cheated on her yet she cheats on me all the time. When ever I break up with her she runs and cries to my family and they absolutly love her. When we break up they start becoming dissapointed in me and it is the most frustratingest thing ever,"

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