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"no! don't kill me mr. killer!" the girl screamed pitifully. "no. die" the killer said, proceeding to be- smashed against the girl? no, wait, doll.

leana laid the elsa doll down in a green plastic box as she pretended the boy doll put her there.

after a while of the doll's killer spree, she heard glass brakeing. she grabbed her hello kitty doll, and went downstairs, being the curious girl she was.

she saw a man dressed in black, kind of like the doll was, except the doll had red marker on the clothes. the man didn't. but, what she didn't know, was that he was about to have that too. but, let's just say paint instead.

he had a knife, she realised.

she realised to late.

the door opened.

"LEANA—! "


he stared into the distance as YN sobbed into his shoulder.

he couldn't think. nothing. he didn't feel anything, either.

just like a doll. he had a bloodied hello kitty doll in his hands. he was going to wash it, obviously. he wanted to keep it.

he thinks. or did YN want it? he can't remember. it was 2:12. she died 1:13. an hour and a minute earlier, he thinks.

the police are dragging the bloodied man out the house. apparently, he was some infamous killer.

".. do you want to go on a walk? try to forget.. all of.... this?" YN said into his shirt, through their tears. he didn't even realize he was crying, too.



my head hurts.

it's all to much.

she died.

she- why?

I want the doll.

YN snatched the doll from leo's hand, not caring that they got blood on their hands. "hm?" leo mumbles. he's out of it. I think he's high, or somthing.

I've quit. I'm not going there again. dont- "hey, leo?" don't. please, don't. "yeah?" you know it's bad for you. "you can go back, I want to be alone. also, can I have your backpack?" please no. "sure, don't get killed— I'm sorry, bad timing." his pitiful joke just added fuel to the fire.

"it's fine." please, don't, you know you don't want too.

YN watchched as leo walked away, his backpack in their hand.

they unzipped the smallest pocket, there being a pocket knife. and some weed, but that's not what their after.


they grabbed the knife, and flipped it open.

they watched themselves is the reflection of the knife.
honestly? they thought it was pathetic. they thought they were pathetic. cutting over some dumb thing?

they looked at the blood dripping down their arm the same way. it stung.


"hey, pretty lady!" they spun around, looking at the old man towering over them. they stink of vodka.

"please leave me alone.." their dumb pathetic voice spoke out. "why? you don't want to have some 𝐟𝐮𝐧?"..
they were silent.

" that's what I thought, cmere." NO, PLEASE, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MENT. the man started tugging on their clothes, despite their struggle.They remembered the knife in her pocket, that they shoved there when they heard him.

they couldn't think.

they couldn't think when they put the pressure to shove the knife into his body.

not when he shoved them off of him, either.

not when they kicked him onto the ground, and sat on his stomach.

not when they stabbed the knife into him, shivering from the snow around the two. well, around YN. he was dead, already.

when they realized what they did, they were scared.

they killed someone, for gods sake!



they felt a crowbar being hit against the side of their head before passing out.


"cmon, smile. get her scent and let's get her to her house." I said, smile barking in response. he sniffed them, and walked away.

I followed him, the person's backpack on my shoulders and pocket knife in my pocket. I was carrying them bridal style.

smile led me to some house, with a boy on the porch seemingly waiting for something, more like someone.

I took of my mask and walked up to him.

"Hi! I'm so sorry, but is this someone you recognise? my dog brought me here, I was about to go to the hospital!" I said, trying not to scare him.

"Oh my god!" He yelped, and helped me bring them inside. "Don't bring them to the hospital, we've already bothered them enough. Here- my med kit is in the bathroom, will you grab it? It's over there." he pointed to a room, and I grab the kit.



"YN, please, tell me what happened! you promised youd stop! please, what made it happen?" I stayed quiet, starring at leo begging me to spill.

"it's nothing. I already told you, I delt with it." I said simply.
I was not going to tell him I killed someone.

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