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Miranda and Ben sat down at a breakfast diner the next morning and discussed their plans.

"I was thinking that I would slow up on my classes next semester. We only have 4 more weeks of school left this semester, so this summer I'll focus on getting a job." Ben stated, looking up at her.

"No Ben you are not taking a step back from school," Miranda said firmly, shaking her head.

"Miranda the baby's due date has to be December. We are going to need everything before then."

"I'm going to get an appointment so we can know the date, my doctor is back in Maryland, so I either have to drive home or find one out here."

"That's a long drive. You should probably find one here."

"I know, but I'll be home for almost three months. It would be crazy to drive or fly back here for an appointment."

"But that's the same if you get one home and then when the semester starts back we're driving home for appointments."

"You're right. We'll figure it out... and I'll get a job too."

"No, I want you to focus on school."

"I'm talking about this summer. I can get a summertime job so we can save money."

"OK, but I don't want you working during the school semester. Classes are hard enough." He expressed.

"It's not fair Ben if I keep going to school and you pause or slow up."

"It is fair. I'm going to just do part-time and maybe switch to online. If I do two classes a semester and then take classes in the summer. It should be fine. I probably will just graduate a semester behind you."

"I don't like it." She stated firmly.

"Miranda let me do this for our family."

Miranda put her head down and blushed. It warmed her heart when he said family.
"Ok, what kind of Job are you looking for?

"I would love to do something in the medical field, but that's not really lucrative until you go up the chain. So maybe I'll find something in technology." He shrugged. "You know I took those software engineering classes at the career center."

"And I know you hated it. You hated building computers, software, and coding." Miranda countered.

"I did and do, but I have the knowledge and the certification so it should be easier to find a job doing that and the money is good. I have money saved up already. I have been saving since high school. I only spent some to buy your ring."

"I have money saved too. I was saving it for our future like a house or something, but I guess this is the future." She laughed.

"When do you want to tell our parents?"

"I'm not sure. I guess when we go home for the summer."

"Your dad is going to hate me."

"I think he will dislike both of us for a period of time. I just hope he doesn't blow up."

"Me either. He liked me up until now."

"I know, but with him finding out that we've been intimate. I really don't know how this is going to go. We're adults though."

"Let's not think too much about it."

"You're right."

'Ok, the plan is to get a job and then find us an apartment."

"It's only going to be 3 of us so a two-bedroom would work, we could get a campus apartment at your school."

"My school is an hour away. We have to get something closer to yours."

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