Humanity CHP 1

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Chapter 1 –Commitment to living

The child awoke from dizzy dreams as he clenched the pillow beside him with a gentle longing for it. The waves of the sea, were the only audible thing beyond the screaming and cries of the crew. The captain was ruthless, unruly, and just wrong. He was wrong, he was disgusting- stealing money and tormenting those under his command. But, why? What type of joy did he get from such violent actions? Those were the questions the child always wanted to be answered, for someone to give him the true reason.

The bland room's only appeal was the beautiful light seeping through the windows, it was peaceful, unlike the night. In the night, the only thing you can feel is the nostalgic green lights and the disgusting smell of something dead or rotten. Up till now, the child has found the reason for the smell- yet, no longer can he complain about it... it's been years, months? Yes, months... Months of hard labor beyond the capabilities of a child as young as he. His hands, were coarse and calloused as the splinters of crates and the burns of the boiling hot steam littered the child's body like an art roughly placed onto a canvas without love, without care.

The child got ready for the day, skipping any type of lunch or breakfast so it would not hinder his tasks for today's morning. The child passed by the long hallways, ignoring the pleas for mercy from anybody who had to face the violence of the captain. The child was in no position to do anything, nor would he be able to do anything... anyway.

Work for the child was like always. The same job every single day and hour, clean this, organize that, set up this, make sure this doesn't happen, make sure that happens, and destroy that. Doing this and that with no question is how the child shall live until he dies, he shall continue to survive in an environment that's full of unescapable misery by living how he was born to live.

A big gaping hole in the chest, the unfillable void that every person carries until satisfied until they die. Yet, the more the child lives, the more his thoughts and sins drill the hole deeper, and deeper- until the emptiness spills out and creates more space for his unfulfilled heart. This line of work is the only thing the child can do to fill out a little bit of the hole, to feel an ounce of accomplishment and satisfaction just for today... just for today.

Today, the child was supposed to clean the hull, to check the fire room, and to move a bit of the cargo to the storage compartments it belongs to. Very simple, and very easy.

The child was mopping up the hull, pushing off any dead carcasses that could be creating a disgusting odor with ease, not even flinching at the sight of the messy scene. Blood was only easy to mop up as he used hydrogen peroxide just like the captain always tells him to- and to make sure it really gets rid of it... he has to scrub hard, and harder- just to make sure not an ounce of blood iron is left staining the once so spotless hull. It only was a few minutes before the child finished on cleaning the starboard before a man and a woman were yelling and fighting. The captain was holding the woman at the edge of the ship, the two of them all bloodied up from what seemed like a fistfight. The woman was screaming, thrashing about like a squashed insect that managed to be resilient enough to keep on going, she was clawing at the captain's arm... begging him to let go, to just stop it already. To no avail, the loud and heavy splash of water could be heard as well as a thud on the ship from the desperate woman. The child, stared- yet, only continued after looking for a few seconds. The child made sure the captain already left before he could move on to cleaning the port.

The port wasn't any better, still, the stench of something dead could be smelt. But, only now was there nothing that emitted the odor to be seen. Nothing dead, nothing rotting. It was weird, really... But the only thing evident was probably the blood- so maybe this type of blood... was just dirtier than any type of regular blood, huh?

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