Humanity CHP2

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The next day started out peacefully, the beautiful and comforting light shining through the window as the kid still holds onto his warm pillow, waking up slowly... and steadily with rigid breaths. Waking up, the room was a bit shaky and dizzy after sitting up straight so quickly but the drowsiness wears off quickly as the child stood up and took his first few steps for the day- Making quick work of getting back into his uniform and gear for the morning.

Walking slowly, the child got back to his daily tasks similar to yesterday, repeating yesterday's tasks. Like a cycle that can't and shouldn't be broken at all costs. There was something brighter about today, something to chuckle about a bit for today... what a beautiful view for once- there's a faint rainbow that the mother of the sun and rain finally blessed the sad and dull ship... But it really was just a rainbow... it was just a rainbow, but it made almost all of the corpse-like workers smile a bit... It was nice, it was different and that's all it took to make a few miserable people happy.

Work continued like normal, a few scoldings and a pinch of the ears but it was all well... The child was suddenly conversing with one of their closest co-workers, Rita.

"Hey, kid, do you ever... just get tired or just want all of this to stop?" Rita asks with a blank expression and tired eyes as she smokes a cigar, blowing out the smoke with a monotone voice.

"Well, anyone here would say otherwise... but, ma'am, do you really think we can do anything... against sir Gavins?" The child asked back with a face full of despair and disdain, a twinge in his human heart shooting through his nerves at his own words.

"Course' not... wish I could just go up to the dick and skewer... throw him into the ocean, maybe." It was pretty graphic I guess- but, not as graphic as whatever the captains did. Rita's dream was only a violent dream, while the captain's actions were actual violent actions.

"You dream of the impossible, don't you?" Rita didn't reply when the child said that, only looking at the kid as if he was a jerk, as if he didn't even exist anymore before walking away, leaving the kid with angry steps and a puff of her smoke.

The child just paused, and paused... then looked away with apathy. If Rita can't handle the truth, then that means she'll die here fast then, won't she? If you can't accept something... if you can't accept the fact you may be useless, delusional, or an idiot- then you won't get far in any world.

The child walked back before finishing all of his morning chores relativity quick, he's been given easy tasks to make up for the annoying crates yesterday... I wonder who would change them anyway? Who'd be so kind enough to do that? The child wonders.

The child finished up with working on the hull, standing on the very edge with a blank expression, only a faint smile evident. Until, heavy footsteps sound from behind the child... Captain Gavins, Sir Gavins, Monster.

It was easy to see the captain wasn't in any good mood, and the exact victim for today would be the child- but, why? Why him out of anyone? He's done nothing but good for the captain... he's done nothing but everything he could for the captain.

"Olivier- You, you're such a brat you know that?! What was that you and Rita were talking about? Were you talking shit about me, huh? Talking so much things about me? Why would you even--- - - - - - - - - - "

The captain's voice got increasingly louder, and got increasingly harder to listen to by each second, the child hated it he stood upright with his face looking at the ground with fear. Suddenly, he lets out a yelp when the captain forcefully grabs the child's ear with his single hand, lifting the kid off his feet while the stinging continued from the tight grip the captain had. It was almost like his ear was about to be ripped off.

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