The Unloving CHP2

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On a night where the scent of musky sweat and harsh breaths sound, Sonya was trapped, trapped again... God, no- Everything was hazy, everything was overwhelming as the world felt like it was spinning and flying at the same time.

Until, a sharp pain in her back snaps her out of the trance- She can't make out what the client was using, nor doing- but, from uncanny guesses, Sonya's instinct pulls herself closer to fight off the pain, fight back. And fight back she did- a weak arm, tugging the client's arm away, fatigued legs doing it's best to kick the small client away. Why? Why, she is getting paid- but, no...

The idea, the idea hurts now. The thought of doing this hurts. Joon, she has Joon so maybe...

Desperate thoughts, put away into the back of her head as something comes flying towards Sonya as she dodges it by the skin of her teeth.

Her breathing heavy with tears of regret as a sharp sensation digs into her back, everything kicks in. The noise of everything but the silence of the client's hatred in his eyes. Animals, filthy animals- her mind screams out in panic. Getting up on her feet, she ran and ran. With the lie of 'I'll be able to come back to him.' In her desolate and damaged mind.

Trying to hold herself together, she sobbed wailing for help as she ran and ran with nothing to cover her up but the rain and scars on her once innocent body. 'Keep going until it gets better', he said.

Could she run so far? No, of course not- only hope drove her, only the delusion kept her going... until, everything declined- everything fell... A bloody trail, behind the girl as fluids drip in between her thighs, a mixture of white and red.

Her canvas, ruined again with the filthiest of artists with no humanity. No, that's just everyone.

Heavy steps sounded from behind the girls unmoving body, a tear of desperateness escaping her eyes- not accepting a thing, she sighs and looks down- this fate of hers was decided when she even thought of getting into this business, no?

Sonya holds herself, longing for portions of warmth and love like the voracious animals she despised.

Everything blacks out the second the footsteps finally stopped, unable to feel a thing as the beasts took her apart joyfully with lust and gluttony. Beforehand, with hope in her heart- she ringed her phone just to call Joon. It rang, and rang as the tormenting sounds of the now lifeless body of Sonya's getting violated and eaten apart along with soft buzzing of the phone.

Yet, no one came.

Hours and hours, nothing happens after the body was disposed- canvas beyond repair anymore, it's worth totaled to none after so long. Joon sits silently, without a care. Giving up after the fourth time of waiting for Sonya. What has she gotten into this time? He thought with apathy and ignorance as he continued to work.

A thought of Sonya never popped up into his head, nothing to worry or distract him about in truth. But, why? Why now was he slipping away after all those warm words exchanged every single night? Between those phones, no matter how close or warm. Sonya felt so loved, she felt so real.

Joon knew what would happen, after all- a prostitute like her will end up either dying, or spending a life inside the musky and dirty walls of a jail cell. After all, the thought of a real happy ending was absurd for the two's positions. Wrong itself, really.

Sweet words and the lie of 'I love you' infecting her mind. That warm voice beckoning her to come closer and become dumber and dumber for the feeling of 'truth'. Now, all the care and love are gone as Joon disavows Sonya, her safety, her health, and her being completely. Not running back, not turning around. Only to follow ahead and hold the hand of another instead.

In another bar, licking romantic lies 'Hey, so what if I said I liked-liked you?' to another woman of pristine and pure body. With a cheesy smirk, and flirty compliments, Joon waits as he watches another take a bite from the green apple he once had the naivety to feast on himself. The want to bring others with him was always strong, and strong enough it is to succeed in different ways.

Another takes the path with Joon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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