2. "Café" Troubles

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After a long ass day of working in the cafe and dealing with weirder emotions that Four had caused him! He literally kissed him and just straight up changed his whole view if he had a chance, which was good in a way now Three would have a boyfriend but still every time Three and him made eye contact both avoided it and moved on to the next customer.

"Hey Three what are we?" Four came up to him as Three was closing up the cafe.

"What do you mean scrub?" Three tried to avoid eye contact but he was sweating his balls off, he didn't expect for Four to make the first move or even confess to him!

"Well, y'know how in the morning we y'know.. made out? And like confessed and stuff," Four said while blushing a bit as he looked at Three with his void eyes. Three found him adorable at times like these but oh boy he really was gonna have a heart attack with how fast things were moving.

"Well we can try and y'know be lovers? Uh that feels weird to say" He said as he looked over at Four.

"I mean we can of course but like, how do we like.. kiss." Four said looking at Three like he knew the answer but in reality he knew no shit of those things, the only farthest he's ever gotten was with his hand but other then that he really has no experience with any romantic relationships.

"Uh, we can try to practice? Four why are you telling me this now?-" Three wanted to have this conversation but like they had a long ass work day(mostly because of Mario and his shananigans) and all he wanted to do right now was atleast lay in his bed.

"Well, I dunno it's just been on my mind and we don't really got any plans after this right?" He asked and as much as Three loved Four, he loves his bed much much more.

"Four can we take this to the bedroom-" He scoffed while saying that but by the time he realized what he said. Four was jaw-dropped and blushing furiously, only for a second because then next thing you know he is dragging Three to the elevator so they could make there way to the bedroom.

"Why of course my dear!! We shall go to the bedroom 😏" He said it smugly which Three was now the one to be flustered as he processed what just happened.

"WAIT- I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!" He said with worry in his voice, as if they were going to remake snow trapped(they probably are later chapters🤭🤭))

"Of course my little cutie pie!! I'm just really tired from today and plus I could use a cuddle buddy" He got closer to Three as he felt clingy with his lover.

As soon as the elevator opened they rushed out and Three was so amused by how fast Four was ready to go to the bedroom, but too be fair they were both tired asf and both of them definitely didn't want to work more than they had too.

Four went on the bed along with Three and after a while they both stared at each other, not wanting to get out of their position.

"You have such beautiful eyes Three," He said calmly to him.

Three blushed slightly, "Thanks Four, you have a wonderful voice" Now it was Four's time to be flustered because oh god he was down bad, he would go down the Earth for Three.

"I love you so much Three" He cuddled up too Four and smooched his forehead.

"To think I used to be your rival," Three said to him as he genuinely didn't know what to think of this, however now he just wanted to be in the moment.

Four chuckled as he caresses Three's hair, he leans into Four's touch as they both find their peace in each other. He spoons Three, while Three hugs Four's chest and leans into it. For the first time after the incident (igbp), Four slept surprisingly well.

"Love you Four.." Three started to drift off into sleep as he heard Four's last words being "Love you too Three," and with that he drifted to sleep, dreaming of both of them on future dates.

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