Device Pieces. Knifes Suffering

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Nobodys POV:

Knife has gotten better eventually. However, he sadly lost all of his balance, Unfortunately.

What are they going to do about it? Will Knife just suffer from his consequences? Will Knife just suffer and die? Why did MePhone leave them? Was it on purpose? Was it on accident? Just hope..

Just hope.. Just hope MePad and Toilet come before they die.

Or will they even come to save them?

Will they survive?

Everybody is perfectly fine, for now. Knife is on risk. He looks like he may die next year next month or next day or so. Will they recover? Or will they die?

All they wanted was to go Home.

HOME. THEY NEVER WANTED TO LIVE A DUMB SHITTY LIFE LIKE THIS. Their best friends must be worried, aren't they? Its scary. Huh?

They never intentioned a bad life like this. They have to suffer the consequences they made. It's so sad that they have to make up for their itty bitty tiny mistakes they did. I don't even think it's a itty bitty tiny mistake.
Knife, Baseball, Suitcase and Lightbulb all have a risk to die at some point. A very.. very.. high.. risk of dying...



Knife's POV:
I thought I was supposed to be dead. I never thought a miracle like this would happen to a dumb passive aggressive person like me. It's surprising that Lightbulb saved me from suffering and dying a slow and painful death. I cant walk that well. I can't even feel my legs.

Why did I deserve this? None of us deserves to stay here. This is a living hell. I hate it here. We all hate it here. All we want to do is go back to Hotel OJ and see all of our friends again. Our lives aren't worth a million dollars. They aren't. Why did we sign up for this? We never wanted this. All we wanted was to have fun, make friends, and live a good life. But us right now? It's the complete opposite. Pickle, if you're seeing this, I might be dead right now. I wish you the best. Don't come looking for me. I wont come back. I'll miss you and Mic. I'll miss you a lot.

I want to go. Let me leave. All i'm seeing is these stupid device pieces on the ground. They remind me of MePhone. It makes me irritated. I hate MePhone. He left us to die, suffer and rot in this dumb island. He's the reason my legs are practically paralyzed. Just let me leave. I want to leave. Let us all leave. I need to start getting some resources so we can actually survive and not suffer like me again. If I do that one more time it's actually a guarantee i'm dead. I cant live like this. I can't live with my legs like this. I cant even go outside. I have to stay here while the other 3 find items and resources. I can't do this anymore. I need someone to help me. Please. Anyone. I need someone to help me. Im not staying inside here like this. I really cant. I want to go. I want to go and see my friends again.

I need someone to help me up. I want to help too. I don't want to be a dumb good for nothing person. I'll ask them later once they come back. I mumble quietly, Will they even come back? I sigh and lay back on my sleeping bag. I tear up, thinking if I will die here or not. I need some rest. I'll go back to sleep for a while. I hope that makes me feel better. Goodnight. I hope I survive this whole living hell.

I want to go. I want to go home. Pickle, are you there? Come save me.. please..
Eventually, Knife wakes up safe and sound. Lightbulb, Suitcase and Baseball are back.
Baseball exclaims, "Oh, hey Knife! Your awake? Me and the other 2 just got back from finding resources!"
Knife says, "Yeah yeah, I know.. I have to ask you something."
Baseball said, "Yeah? Whats up?"
Knife now says, "Could I.. help you guys?"
Baseball in shock, "But.. Knife! You lost your balance! You can't-"
Baseball, who flinched at Knife's yelling, "Fine, fine, whatever. Tomorrow."

Baseball muttered to himself, "Will we survive tomorrow?"

Suitcase checks the clock, "Guys, we should all head to bed.. it's midnight." Lightbulb and Baseball head to their beds.

"Goodnight. Sleep tight." Says Lightbulb.
Baseballs POV:
It's the next day. I always wonder to myself when will I see you again. It's been weeks. You're the reason i'm still alive. I always mutter to myself on why MePhone did this to us. Everyone has lost at least almost all of their sanity by now. I'm worried. I don't think I can survive until the end. Nickel. Listen, if you watching this. Don't come to look for me. Its dangerous. Please don't. You wont survive. Just wait for me to come back to the hotel. I miss you. Nickel.

I sigh. I sit down on the floor. I always wonder to myself why did I trap myself in this stupid island. I should have not signed up for this bull crap. Well. I have to get ready. Suitcase, Knife and Lightbulb are waiting for me outside. I have to go now. Im sorry. Talk to you later. I realized I was talking to myself. Pretending that I have a diary to keep myself sane. But I dont. So i'm gonna go insane probably sooner or later. I'm going to head out now.

I finally go outside to see them. We talked for a little while because we had some spare time left before we were supposed to head out. We kind of.. talked for a bit TOO MUCH! AAGH! ITS ALREADY 11:30! 30 MINUTES UNTIL MIDNIGHT! WE HAD TO GET GOING, FAST AND QUICK!


Knife exclaims, " Chill out, we have plenty of time. Time goes a little slow here."

I say, relieved. "Oh, okay then. Phew."

Suitcase now says quietly, "Hurry up, let's get going everyone!" We all nod and the 3 were all behind me. I always wonder why am I always in the front. Am I used as a shield because of my size or something? This is why i have been always insecure about myself. I don't know why they treat me like this. Do I really deserve to be team leader of Grand Slams, after all? Do I really deserve that? I whisper in my mind. I stop moving for a bit because I zoned out.

The 3 noticed me stop moving. Knife says, "Ay! Why'd you stop moving? Hurry up! Come on! We have things to do!" No response. Knife gets slightly irritated.
I get out of it. I say, "Im sorry! I kind of.. zoned out. I didn't mean to do that, haha!" I tried to giggle a bit to lighten up the mood. Now they're more confused. I messed up badly. Really badly. I have a feeling they're mad at me or something. Im scared. What will I do?

We ended up finishing the hunt at 12:45 AM. We all headed back to the shelter, safe and sound. I wonder why. I also have been seeing the weird "Device Pieces" I wonder.. what are these for, anyway? Is it for the Meeple devices, or something else? I have some time to think about this...






What are the "Device Pieces" for?

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