Wheres Suitcase..?

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Baseball's POV:
Everyone already woke up. I refuse to get out of bed. I literally refuse. I wanna stay here for the rest of the day. I don't even want to talk to anyone. Wait. There's.. something wrong. Suitcase.. she's... shes gone. SHE'S GONE. I CAN'T FIND HER ANYWHERE. I DONT WANT SOMEONE TO DIE! I DONT! I REALLY DONT. I KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT! WHY DID MY DUMBASS JUST LET HER LOOSE LIKE THAT?!

I breathe heavily. I start shivering. I feel my heartbeat racing. I feel like i'm about to pass out. I feel tears rolling down my face. I'm shaking. I start to sob, sob uncontrollably. I don't care if they can hear me. I just care about the safety of others. I can't stop sobbing. Both Knife and Lightbulb noticed im sobbing. I don't care. I just care about suitcase's safety. I cant hear anything. What they're saying to me is just muffled for me.

Knife exclaims to me, but yet I still ignore him, "Baseball, what's with you?! You've been acting all weird and.. you never even talk to us! None of us in the past week!" Lightbulb says, understanding my pain, "Baseball, c'mon! We can talk it out! Right? We can!" I can't stop sobbing. I just ignore them. Except for Lightbulb. Does she really understand my pain? I look at her. Stare at her for a bit. I finally say something,
"Oh. Okay then.." They're a bit surprised to hear me speak in such a while. I stand up and go outside for a bit. I haven't went outside for a week already. My hygiene sucks.

"I feel like it's cold. I might possibly freeze to death. I'm going back inside." I say to Lightbulb as an excuse to go back inside. Im a bad liar. Lightbulb looks like she doesn't believe me. Crap. I'm a little bit nervous now because of that. Really nervous. I just.. just.. oh.. god. I feel horrible.

I really feel horrible. A horrible person. I hate this island with a passion.





Suitcases POV:

I finally made it out of that living hell. I did not wanna go back there. Definitely not. Yet, I don't have a place to stay in for now...

I finally find a place. A cliff. A very tall cliff that if I fall there, i'm dead. It looks safe.. Just not to go on the edge, although. I could stay here. It's not like I have a better choice, anyway. I'm staying here, and that is final.. Mhm.

     a few hours go by.  

I sigh.

I woke up. I have a watch, at least. The time is 1 am. 1:35 to be exact. Damn. I don't have any food. Should I just risk it and go find some food? In the middle of the night? Alone? Next to a CLIFF? I don't wanna die hungry though.. I'm nervous. How would I do it without them? Im just a weakling. I don't know that much about strength or whatever.

Y'know what? I'll go. I don't want to die starving. I don't really care if I die. Yet.. I could find berries... But what if they're poisonous? What if they are?!?!

My bad thoughts come inside my head. "They will be poisonous." "Die." "They are." Im worried. I wanna die, yet I don't want to at the exact same time. Im so scared. Very scared. Why did I decide to leave them? Im such an idiot for doing that dumb thing. I should have thought about it first. I hate this so much. I really do. I want to leave. I hate this so much.

Im going to search for food. I forgot to pack food. Only water. Just water. Water won't help quench my hunger. I need to go find and get some food. Quick and fast. If I don't, i'm probably gonna die in the next ten minutes by now. I'm so foolish for doing that thing. I'm gonna go now and find some food. Im not going to risk dying from starvation.

Jeez, i'm a dumb idiot. Why did I even make that choice?


I start to sob. Sob uncontrollably.



Lightbulb's POV:

Something is up with Baseball. It isn't even that cold. He's acting really weird ever since Suitcase ran away from the shelter. I have a feeling he might run away from us, too. I'm concerned about him. Very. Very. Very concerned. Im a bit nervous, too. I wonder what he's going to do...

I sigh.

I just think to myself, "What if they all run away?" Im so paranoid. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know where any of them are. Oh god. I feel scared. Very scared. Im confused and don't know what to do. I don't. Where are they? I sigh. I have no motivation to do anything at all. Not even walk outside. My legs hurt so bad.

I crawl to my bed and lay down there.

Im so tired. I just wanna.. doze off and not deal with this bullcrap. I'm sick and tired of this. Sick and tired.

I look at my phone. I just hid under my bedsheets and watched some videos. I never wanted to deal with this. I just wanted to compete for a million dollars. Simple as that. I didn't wanna die like this. I wasn't expecting to die so early. I want to burn this place down. This is a living hell. I wanna leave. I really do. Im so scared to even go outside now.

It's only Knife and me. Baseball literally just went missing for no absolute reason and Suitcase just.. ran away from us. Why? I don't understand. I don't. Im so tired. Im tired. Tired of this shit. I wanna go home. Everyone wants to go home. Im so scared. I don't want to do this. All of us had risked dying once already and I don't know why.

I yawn. Im so tired. My eyes feel so heavy. What if I just.. rest for a "few minutes"? It's just a few minutes anyway... I don't see anything wrong with it.. Right? I can just...

Im really tired.

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