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MEEERRYYYY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Thx for reading my story! So, I was thinking of doing an x-mas special. And which is the most wintery tribe? That's right, Icewings! I hope you  like the chapter and have some amazing holidays!

Halcyon didn't know how dragons on the Circles lived, but they certainly weren't as happy as the ones in the villages. Sure, they might have fancy-wancy dinners and beautiful gifts during the Great Dragon's festivities, but they didn't have as much fun as the villagers did.

Of course, they could all skip the boring history classes that went  along with the celebrations. Halcyon sighted as Alabaster, the teacher continued DRONING about the party's history  at  the very last  hour of the day, when the sun was shining and the snow seemed perfect but INSTEAD of going outside, that icicle-for-brain of a teacher was keeping them inside.

He didn't know if he could bare it for much longer, honestly

" Everybody knows about the Great Ice Dragon , but many don't know about it's origins" Alabaster started, his voice deep and hoarse.

" Storytime"  Halcyon whispered sarcastically at his classmate and friend, Scady.( So, halcyon is the time of winter when there's no snowstorms or avalanches. Basically calm winter weather)

" Before the world was made, darkness ruled the space. No stars shone in the midnight sky, no sun that lit everything with golden light. Nobody knows how, when or why, but one day, the Great Ice Dragon appeared. He surveyed the space and decided that it seemed meaningless without life."

" Kill me" Halcyon murmured to Scady. She covered her snout with her talons to prevent herself from laughing " Stop it!" she poked his shoulder " He might hear us"

" Eh, he's probably deaf as well as boring and nearly blind" He rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the teacher, who was now spreading his claws on top of a map. 

" And so," Alabaster continued " The Great Ice Dragon decided to lie down, stretching his wings and every part of the body until it it covered mostly of what we know today" He pointed at the Kingdom of Sand " Wherever he touched, deserts rippled through his scales. If he run his claws around somewhere, trees would burst like new spring flowers. Each part of Pyrrhia became one part of his body" He ran his claws along the Sky Kingdom. " The wings of him became the Sky Kingdom, while the tail transformed into the isles we know now as the Kingdom of Sea" Alabaster tapped each part he mentioned " The front talons became known as the talon peninsula and the back as the Rainforest Kingdom. The torso, as you can guess, is now the sand dragon's territory, but the most important part of the body, the head, became the most important kingdom. Ours" Just as he pronounced those last words, a bell rang and all of the dragonets stood up abruptly, eager to get to the snow.

" Remember your assignments! Wolf ,for the Great Ice Dragon.-" Alabaster said uselessly. Halcyon bounced outside, his scales catching sunlight like reflecting mirrors.

" You ARE  shiny" Scady beamed, nudging his shoulder. Halcyon smiled. " Thanks. Oh! Gosh, Am I the most stupid dragon on the kingdom or what? I got training and I'm late!" he groaned, taking off.

" Lucky you! I got to help my dad with the Great Feast" she called, yet Halcyon didn't hear the last words, as he was already swiping away, hsi wings beating quickly.

The white-blue Icewing arrived miraculously on time, just as his teammates finished stretching on the snow-covered field

" Ah, so you finally decided to come, haven't you, Halcyon" A towering, silver and white female Icewing approached. A wickedly large scar ran across her flank like lightning, and an equally scary spear was flung on her back." Yes, ma'am. Been busy with school ma'am" He dropped his head low. He was the youngest of the team, so he had to divide time between school and training.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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