John Dory

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He'd been shocked when he heard Branch screamed, but he was horrified to hear that his baby brother has trauma.

And according to Poppy, it's A LOT of trauma..

So he silently watched Poppy and Tiny Diamond hug Branch, not a tight hug at all either..very loose.

Almost as if...

He was afraid to be squeezed too tight..

Then it clicked in his mind.

Branch screamed about a bergen.

He'd been in a fairly tight grip.

Poppy and Tiny Diamond were hugging him with almost zero pressure.

A bergen must of gotten a hold of him and he escaped, but how?

As JD thought, Poppy walked over to him and snapped to get his attention.

JD looked up at her, "Oh! Yes?" He smiled.

Poppy sighed, "Come with me.."

They walked a little ways away from the others.

Poppy began to speak, "Okay so, here's what happened. Your guy's grandma is dead, she got taken by a bergen after saving Branch, Branch was four at the skipping ahead, he got grabbed by a bergen and nearly eaten by one as well."

JD winced, "That sounds like a very...watered down..version.."

Poppy nodded, "Oh it is.."

JD sighed, "Damn..poor Branch, he never deserved that.."

Poppy shook her head, "No, he didn't."

JD looked over at Branch and saw he was calm now then he looked back to Poppy, "Teach me how to be a good big brother!" He blurted, "Please?" He asked.

Poppy looked shocked but then smiled, "Of course, I would love to."

Protecting BranchWhere stories live. Discover now