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(A couple of years pass he is Now 16)

Ayana led Elias deep into the forest, where the air was alive with magic. "My dear son, as a witch, it's a significant rite of passage to find your familiar. Just as I have Erik a black cat, and Esther has her ravens, now it's your turn," she said with a warm smile.

"Keep your heart open, Elias," Ayana gently instructed. "And repeat after me: 'Venite ad me, familiarem meum, alterum elegit medium'." Elias echoed the chant, his voice mixing with the mystical energies of the forest. They waited in hopeful anticipation, but nothing seemed to happen as minutes passed. Elias's shoulders slumped in disappointment, his dream of finding a familiar seeming to slip away.

Just then, a rustling in the nearby bushes caught their attention. A small black snake emerged from the underbrush, its ruby eyes glinting mysteriously. Intrigued and cautious, Elias extended his hand towards the creature. With an almost curious demeanor, the snake slithered up his arm, its movements graceful and deliberate.

Without warning, the snake bit into Elias's wrist. He cried out, not just in pain but also in surprise. However, instead of blood, an extraordinary thing occurred. Where the snake's fangs had pierced, a mark appeared a triskele.

Ayana observed the snake with a blend of wonder and intrigue. Elias, noticing his mother's surprised expression, turned to her with curiosity. "What is it, Mother?" he asked.

Ayana took a moment before responding, "The creature in your arms, Elias is a basilisk, and by its size, it's a newborn."

"is it dangerous?" Elias asked cautiously, looking at the small creature with newfound respect.

"In its mature form, a basilisk can be very dangerous, possessing potent and feared abilities. However, as a newborn, it's still developing its powers. It has chosen you as its companion, which means you have a unique bond," Ayana explained. "This bond will allow you to grow together, learning from each other. You will need to teach and guide it; in return, it will offer you its loyalty and strength."

Elias gazed at the tiny basilisk, its ruby eyes now seeming to hold a depth of wisdom and mystery. "How will I know how to care for it?" he asked.

Ayana smiled reassuringly. "Trust in the bond between you and your familiar. Listen to your instincts.


Josephine, Elias's basilisk familiar, had a unique way of bonding with him. She would remain coiled around his wrist, almost like a bracelet, entering a dormant state except when she needed to hunt. During these times, she would slither away, only to return to her place on Elias's wrist once her hunt was complete.

Elias, intrigued by the potential of their magical bond, endeavored to explore new ways of connecting with Josephine. He had once witnessed a witch seeing through the eyes of her familiar and yearned to replicate this feat. Elias finally succeeded after many attempts and leveraging the deepening connection between them. He found that he could see through Josephine's eyes and hear what she heard. This new ability opened a world of possibilities for him.

Curious and a bit mischievous, Elias began using this power to observe the villagers discreetly. He navigated Josephine through the village, experiencing the world from her unique perspective. However, this exploration took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon Finn, a fellow villager.

Finn was heading towards the river, and out of curiosity, Elias followed him through Josephine's senses. As Finn began to undress, presumably for a swim, Elias felt embarrassed and quickly severed the connection, realizing that he had intruded on a private moment.


During a training session, Elias noticed that Finn seemed troubled. He paused their practice and asked Finn what was wrong, mentioning that he could sense Finn's emotions. Finn, who usually kept his feelings to himself, became more tense as Elias approached. In a moment of discomfort, Finn pushed Elias away, causing him to fall to the ground. Shocked by his own reaction, Finn quickly left the scene, leaving Elias alone and confused.

Elias quickly got to his feet and pursued Finn, calling out for him to wait. However, Finn, overwhelmed by his emotions, started to run, leading Elias into the woods. After several minutes of chase, Elias managed to catch up and, in a desperate attempt to confront the situation, he tackled Finn to the ground, pinning him down.

Holding Finn's hands firmly, Elias looked him in the eyes with deep concern. "Are you okay?" he asked earnestly, hoping for a response this time. Finn initially struggled to break free, but Elias, using a bit of his magic, held him in place.

There was a moment of intense silence as they locked eyes, each boy processing the turmoil of emotions. Then, unexpectedly, Finn bridged the gap between them, initiating a kiss. Elias, taken aback at first, responded to the kiss while still holding Finn down.

In the quiet of the forest, time seemed to stand still for Elias and Finn. The initial shock of the kiss gave way to a flood of emotions for both of them. Elias, still pinning Finn to the ground, slowly eased his grip as he began to understand the depth of Finn's feelings. The tension that had been building between them was finally released in this unexpected moment of vulnerability and connection.

After the kiss, they both lay there for a moment, the chaos of the chase and the intensity of their confrontation giving way to a bewildering calm. Elias finally broke the silence. "Finn, I... I didn't know you felt this way," he said softly, a mix of surprise and empathy in his voice.

Finn, now more composed but still visibly emotional, slowly sat up. He avoided Elias's gaze, unsure of how to articulate his feelings. "I didn't know either," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been struggling with this for a while, and I didn't know how to face it, especially with you."


Who is the first person to get turned into a vampire in Mystic Falls in season one, and who are they turned by? 


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