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(Finns Pov)

Looking at Elias in my arms as he slept, I felt an overwhelming sense of affection and protectiveness. Gently, I pulled him closer, savoring the moment. His scent was comforting, a subtle reminder of our close bond. As I held him, a smile unconsciously formed on my lips. He was my everything - my heart, my soul. When he began to stir, I remained still, not wanting to disturb the peaceful scene. His eyes met mine, a hint of curiosity in his groggy expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked in a voice husky from sleep. "Because you're my world," I replied softly, my heart swelling with love.

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow around us, Elias shifted slightly, his eyes still locked with mine. His gaze had a tenderness, a softness that only appeared in these quiet, unguarded moments. "I feel so lucky to wake up like this with you," he murmured, his voice still tinged with sleep.

I brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead, feeling the warmth of his skin under my fingertips. "Every morning with you is a blessing," I whispered back, my heart full of emotion. It was these simple, intimate moments that made everything worthwhile.

Elias smiled a gentle, contented smile that lit up the room. We lay there silently for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence. Outside, the world was waking up, but in our little sanctuary, time seemed to stand still, allowing us to savor the morning's tranquility together.

As he stood up, I couldn't hide the concern in my voice. "What about Tatia? What's going to happen there?" I asked, a frown creasing my brow.

Elias turned to me, a reassuring look in his eyes. "Don't worry about her," he said softly. "My focus is entirely on you and only you. As for Tatia, she's just playing games with your brothers, nothing more."

He leaned down and kissed me softly, his comforting presence easing my worries. "Let's get ready; we need to head down to the village," he reminded me.

I let out a groan at the thought. Our secret meetings had been possible under the guise of hunting trips. Thanks to Josephine, Elias's familiar, we already had a couple of stags as proof of our excursion and had spent the night hidden away in the cave.

I had successfully dragged one stage and so had Elias. Together, we journeyed towards the village. We presented one stag to my mother and gifted the other to Ayana. While in Ayana's hut, handing her the stag, Elias stepped out to barter with a neighbor for some supplies. In his absence, Ayana glanced at me with a knowing look and commented, "Ah, the beauty of young love. It's heartwarming to see it still thrives."

What?" I exclaimed in surprise. Ayana gave me a knowing smile. "Don't act so shocked. As a mother, it's clear that you bring joy to my son. And let's not ignore the marks he leaves all over your body and neck," she added with a hint of amusement.

"Who do you think has been keeping Mikael and Esther from questioning your disappearances? I've been telling them that you are gathering items for me. I'll always protect my son; since he loves you, I'll extend the same protection to you," Ayana stated firmly.

I felt a blush spreading across my face at her words. Ayana's expression turned serious as she continued, "Just remember, if you ever break his heart, I will come after you. Elias might not always show it, but he's a sensitive soul. When he loves, he loves deeply, and right now, you're the one he's given his heart to."

I nodded, understanding the weight of her words. "I would never intentionally hurt him," I assured her, feeling the sincerity of my own words. "I care for him deeply, and I thank you for looking out for me."

Ayana studied me for a moment, and then her expression softened. "I can see that," she said gently. "You two have a special connection. Just remember, love is a precious thing. It needs to be nurtured and protected."

Just then, Elias returned, carrying a small sack of supplies he had bartered for. He looked between us, a questioning look in his eyes. "Everything alright here?" he asked, sensing the serious atmosphere.

Ayana smiled at him, her mood lightening. "Yes, everything's fine. We were just having a little chat, that's all." She then turned her attention to the supplies, effectively changing the subject.

As we left Ayana's hut, I glanced at Elias, feeling a renewed sense of commitment to our relationship.


I made my way to Ayana's hut while Elias was away, carrying a bouquet of flowers as a gesture of respect. Upon entering, I found her busy with her daily tasks. "What do you need, young man? I have a lot on my plate today," she said, not unkindly.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage. "Ayana, I'm here to ask for something important. You're aware of my feelings for Elias, and as his only parent, your opinion means everything. I know the idea of two men marrying is unconventional here, but I love him deeply and would like to ask for your blessing to marry your son."

"Love between two men is not taboo in the eyes of nature," Ayana responded thoughtfully. "As long as your love for my son is true and you desire only his happiness, you have my blessing to marry him."

I felt a profound sense of relief and gratitude at her words. "Thank you so much, Ayana," I replied, my voice laden with emotion. "I give you my word that I'll cherish and support Elias with all that I am."

Ayana gave me a nod, her gaze conveying both sternness and a touch of warmth. "I believe you will. Elias means the world to me, and his happiness is my top priority. Just remember, if you ever cause him pain, I will hold you accountable."

I understood the gravity of her words and the protective love behind them. "I understand, and I respect that," I assured her. "Elias's happiness and well-being will always be my foremost concern."

"Additionally, I have another request," I said, reaching into my pocket. "I've crafted these two silver rings and I was hoping you could enchant them for us. I'm not familiar with the spells myself, and I can't ask my mother for fear of her reaction. I also don't want to tell Elias; I want it to be a surprise." I carefully placed the beautifully carved rings, which had taken me years to forge, in front of her.

Ayana examined the rings closely, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and admiration. "What kind of enchantments are you thinking of?" she inquired.

I had given this much thought. "There are three specific enchantments I have in mind," I began. "First, I'd like the rings to be bound to us once put on, so they cannot be removed. Second, they should alert us if the other is in danger. And third, I'd love for them to have a connection enchantment, allowing us to feel each other's presence, even when we're apart."

"Give me two days, and I'll have the rings ready with the enchantments you've requested," Ayana replied, carefully picking up the rings to examine them further.

I nodded, grateful for her willingness to help. "Thank you, Ayana. This means more to me than I can express."

"Just promise me that you'll love my son with all your heart. That's all I ask from you," she said earnestly.



What is the name of the warlock that Bonnie befriends and is later discovered working for Elijah Mikaelson?

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