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Finn was overwhelmed with grief and guilt over the loss of his husband, a tragedy orchestrated by his father. He berated himself for not recognizing the signs of that fateful night or sensing the impending danger. The weight of his sorrow was immense, leading him to nights filled with tears and mourning. Initially, he would cry himself to sleep, haunted by memories and what-ifs, the image of his beloved forever etched in his mind.

Overwhelmed by grief, Finn began to neglect even the most basic needs like eating. The pangs of hunger were nothing compared to the agony of loss he felt, imagining the suffering Elias must have endured. His health deteriorated as he became a shell of his former self, his siblings' constant vigilance a small comfort in his sea of despair. They were all on the run from the very man responsible for his heartache—his father. The weight of his sorrow was so immense that, at times, Finn found himself longing for the release of death to reunite with Elias wherever he might be. Thoughts of ending his own life began to surface.

"Finn, you have to eat. This isn't what Elias would want," Niklaus implored, his voice laced with concern as he watched his brother.

Finn looked up, his eyes hollow yet flickering with a faint spark of defiance. "How can you know what Elias would have wanted?" he whispered, his voice hoarse with grief.

"Because he loved you," Niklaus replied softly. "And love doesn't just want the presence of the other in the good times; it fights for their wellbeing always, even when they are gone. You have to fight now, Finn, not just for Elias but for yourself."

"I want it to end. I can't bear this any longer. The guilt is consuming me," Finn murmured, his voice breaking with the weight of his sorrow. "Please, just let me go."

Niklaus, his heart aching for his brother, held Finn's gaze. "I know you're in pain, and I know you think the end is the only way out. But it's not. You have so much left to live for, Finn. We'll get through this together, I promise you. Elias wouldn't have wanted you to surrender to despair. Please, for him, for all of us, stay." His plea was a mixture of desperation and determination,

As a century unfolded, Finn carried his sadness like a shadow, distancing himself from his family and finding solace in solitude. Music became his refuge, the piano a vessel for his unspoken grief. The melodies he played were poignant, echoing the depths of his loss. He became a wanderer in both heart and spirit, engaging in fleeting encounters with both men and women, none managing to touch his soul truly. That was until he met Sage. She didn't resemble Elias in appearance, but her personality—a mirror to his lost love's spirit—captured Finn's attention and, unexpectedly, a fragment of his guarded heart.

Finn summoned Sage only when his loneliness became unbearable, and while his family kept her at a cautious distance, she became an undeniable presence in their lives after Finn turned her into a vampire of his lineage. Niklaus expressed disappointment over Finn's decision but was relieved to see a glimmer of happiness in his brother's eyes.

Rebekah and Kol occasionally make biting remarks about Sage's infatuation with Finn. Their observations were not entirely unfounded; Sage had persistently pleaded with Finn to turn her. He consistently refused until she put herself in danger, compelling Finn to save and ultimately transform her into a vampire.

Niklaus was outraged by Sage's actions and intended to kill her for her recklessness. However, Finn intervened, protecting her and asserting her place by his side.

Sage was determined, perhaps even forceful, in her attempts to occupy the void left by Elias in Finn's heart. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't entirely eclipse the enduring memory of Finn's lost love. Elias's presence lingered in Finn's every note and silence, an irreplaceable essence that Sage, despite her efforts, could not replicate or replace.

"It's never going to work, no matter how hard you try. Elias will always be the one Finn holds in his heart. You're just a pale imitation," Rebekah remarked coldly, her words sharp and unyielding. "Quite pathetic, isn't it, sister?" Kol chimed in, his tone laced with mockery and pity.

Sage, her face a mask of hurt and defiance, responded sharply, "I don't need to be Elias. I don't need to replace him. I want to be someone Finn can rely on and find a semblance of happiness with."

Rebekah, unmoved, replied, "You can want all you like, but wanting doesn't make it so. Finn's heart is a fortress, and Elias is its keeper. If you think you can change that, you're just living in a fantasy."

With a smirk, Kol added, "It's a bit like chasing the moon, dear Sage. Admirable, perhaps, but ultimately, just a dream."

Sage's eyes met Rebekah's cold gaze, undeterred by the harshness. Rebekah's voice cut, "You're living in a fantasy, and it's pathetic. No matter what you do, you'll never be more than a shadow of Elias to Finn."

Kol's laughter was scornful, "Pathetic indeed. It's like watching a moth relentlessly flutter towards a flame. We all know how that ends."

Sage's resolve wavered momentarily under their scornful words but quickly regained her composure. "I know what I am to him, and I don't need your approval or pity. I'll do what I feel is right," she retorted, her voice firm.

Rebekah's smirk was unforgiving. "Do what you want, but don't expect any of us to watch your futile attempts with anything but disdain. You're a mere distraction, nothing more."

Kol's eyes gleamed with amusement. "And when you tire of this little charade, remember, we told you so. It's not our fault if you're too deluded to see the truth."

Despite Sage's unwavering efforts and presence, Finn's interest eventually waned. No matter how much she tried to connect or fill the void, she was not Elias. Finn's unique bond and shared history with Elias were irreplaceable, and the reality set in over time. Sage, with all her determination and care, couldn't ignite the same depth of emotion and connection in Finn. His moments with her, initially a distraction from his grief, became reminders of what he had truly lost.

As the decades rolled on, Rebekah introduced a man named Alexander to the family, who tragically betrayed them. Using a dagger coated in white oak ash, he attacked, a substance potent enough to incapacitate them. One by one, the siblings fell into a deep slumber, the daggers ensuring their temporary demise. However, Alexander hadn't accounted for Niklaus's werewolf heritage, which rendered the silver of the dagger ineffective against him. Recovering swiftly, Niklaus exacted vengeance on Alexander for his betrayal, eliminating the threat he posed. He then painstakingly removed the daggers from his siblings, reviving them one by one from their enforced sleep.

Desperate to escape his unending grief, Finn pleaded for the dagger, seeing it as a means to an indefinite reprieve. "I won't dagger you, brother. I refuse," Niklaus asserted, his voice resolute in his refusal to harm Finn further.

"I can't bear this existence any longer, Niklaus. If you don't let me find peace in death, then at least allow me the respite of the dagger. Please, do this for me. Otherwise, I'll seek out our father, and you know what that will lead to," Finn implored, his voice a mix of desperation and determination.

Torn between his protective instincts and the pain of seeing his brother suffer, Niklaus finally relented. With a heavy heart, he placed the dagger into Finn's heart, granting him the temporary peace he so desperately sought. 


-  While under the impression that Damon and Bonnie are dead, how does Elena cope? 


- Finn is in his feelings, and Niklaus, a good brother, is trying to cheer him up. Niklaus tried his best............. 

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