Chapter 2

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The next day, Bada found herself unable to shake off the memory of Audrey's mesmerizing performance. She spent the day lost in thought, replaying the events of the previous night over and over in her mind.

Time skip*

Two days had passed since that unforgettable night at the club, yet the memory of Audrey's enchanting presence continued to tug at Bada's thoughts. She longed to see her again, to witness the magic that had captivated her soul. However, she knew that for now, her profession had to take priority. She had to put her desires on hold.

As much as she wanted to visit the club again to see if she could catch another glimpse of Audrey, Bada recognized that her responsibilities as a professor at the university were her top priority. The first day of a new school year had arrived, and she was determined to make it a successful start.



I woke up early as it was the first day of a new school year. I wore my favorite professional outfit, gathered my things, and made my way to the university campus.

 I wore my favorite professional outfit, gathered my things, and made my way to the university campus

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Even though I'm no stranger to teaching, I couldn't shake off the slight nervousness I felt.

As I stepped onto the university campus, the energetic buzz of students enveloped me. Despite the early hour, the atmosphere was alive with enthusiasm.

My first class wasn't until 9 A.M., but I wanted to arrive early to set a positive tone for the day. After settling into my office, I cherished the stillness, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. With some spare time at hand, I decided to grab a quick breakfast at the school cafeteria.


As I walked through the campus, heading to the lecture hall where my next class would take place. Students glanced at me curiously, some recognizing me from previous interactions. I smiled warmly, returning their greetings and making an effort to connect with each person I encountered. Their faces lit up, some shyly looking away.


Upon entering the room, I quickly realized that this was a diverse group of students from different programs.
Some greeted me enthusiastically, while others seemed a bit shy, their excitement barely contained.

I began the class by introducing myself.

"Good morning, everyone! I will be your professor for this course throughout the semester. By the way, I am Bada Serene Lee, but I prefer you to call me Professor Lee," I introduced myself, projecting my voice to ensure everyone could hear.

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