Chapter 3

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Later that day, I found myself at a cozy café, enjoying the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee while reflecting on the day's events. The idea of returning to the club to see if Audrey would be there crossed my mind once again. She had already captivated me on stage, and her presence in my class had only intensified my desire to learn more about her.

As I longed to see her, an undeniable urge welled up within me to visit her at the club.


The pulsating beat of the music filled the air as I entered the dimly lit venue. The crowd's excited chatter mingled with the rhythmic thumping of the bass, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The scent of perfume and sweat hung in the air, adding to the intoxicating ambiance.

Finding a secluded spot, I watched Audrey from a distance. Feeling a rush of anticipation coursing through me.

Audrey was dancing on stage, her movements captivating the audience once again. I couldn't take my eyes off her, feeling drawn to her in a way I couldn't explain. The rhythmic sway of her body, the passion in her eyes, and the grace with which she moved awakened a longing deep within me. It was as though her every movement unraveled the guarded layers of my heart, igniting a fire that refused to be extinguished.

Time skip*

It had been almost a week of clandestine visits to the club, each time mesmerized by Audrey's captivating performances, relishing the thrill of seeing her in her element. However, knowing she didn't perform every night left me feeling a pang of disappointment. The limited interactions with her on campus only intensified my longing to see her more often.

Despite my growing fascination with Audrey, I made sure to maintain a professional demeanor in class. Our interactions were limited, but every glance and exchange left an indelible impression on me. I found myself constantly thinking about her, her enigmatic allure leaving me spellbound.


I am at my studio right now, a space that I own and cherish deeply. Even though I'm a professor now, my love for dance remains strong, and my studio serves as my sanctuary. It is here that I find solace and inspiration, reaffirming my passion for dancing with every visit. Despite my busy schedule, I make it a point to frequently visit the studio every weekend night for a dance session, and whenever possible, to check in on the workshops. I also occasionally teach classes, although it is mainly managed by a friend.

In the middle of my dancing, my phone buzzed, causing the music to stop abruptly as I noticed it since my phone is connected to the speaker. It was a message from my group of friends' group chat.


Chocol : Hey Bada, we're hitting up this new club tonight! You've got to come with us and let loose after a long week.

Haechi : Our last night out was last week pa, kaya sumama ka, Bada! We know that you're usually busy and weekends are usually free for you. Come on, live a little.

Noze : Kaya nga, Bads. You deserve a break naman from all that professorial stuff.

I hesitated to reply, torn between wanting to spend time with my friends and my longing to see Audrey perform at the club.

Bada : Thanks for the invite, guys! But I think I'll pass tonight. I have something else I really want to do.

Haechi : Ang daya talaga oh! Is that 'something else' more important than a night out with your favorite people? Grabe ka na, magtatampo na talaga 'ko sa'yo.

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