Chapter 5

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The next morning, Audrey woke up feeling a mix of emotions. She knew she had to face Professor Lee eventually, but she still felt uncertain.

As she bustled around the kitchen, preparing breakfast, her phone suddenly buzzed with a notification, drawing her attention away from her anxious thoughts.

Hesitantly, Audrey picked up her phone and saw a message from Professor Lee:

"Good morning, Audrey! I hope you're doing okay. Take care, and see you in class!"

Her eyes lingered on the screen for a moment before she mustered the resolve to craft a lighthearted response.

Deciding to lighten the mood, Audrey reached for her phone and tweeted,

Audrey chuckled to herself as she sent the tweet, relishing the brief distraction it provided from her current concerns while continuing to prepare breakfast

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Audrey chuckled to herself as she sent the tweet, relishing the brief distraction it provided from her current concerns while continuing to prepare breakfast.

Audrey had chosen to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in English, drawn to the course by her deep passion for literature, language, and the nuances of communication. She believed that her studies would not only enrich her understanding of the world but also empower her to make meaningful contributions through the art of words.

After enjoying a simple and satisfying breakfast, Audrey prepared herself for the day ahead.

Before leaving their home, she made her way to her sister's room and carefully left a note on the bedside table, knowing that her older sister was still peacefully asleep.

Note :

"Good morning to my pogandang sister. I didn't want to disturb your rest, kaya hindi na kita ginising pa. I've prepared your breakfast - made with love syempre, Haha. Feel free to check it when you wake up. Have a wonderful day ahead, Ate D!"

PS: I'll visit Lala later. Message me if you're coming with me.


The crisp morning air greeted her as she walked down the familiar path towards the university, the early sunlight casting a warm glow over the surroundings.

A mix of excitement and nerves accompanied Audrey as she made her way to the technical writing classroom. She exchanged smiles and nods with her classmates, whom she had come to know over the past week, before taking her usual seat near the front of the room.

Ms. Valdez, their professor in Technical Writing, entered the room exuding her characteristic warmth and enthusiasm.

"Good morning, everyone," she greeted the class with a smile. "I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today, we're going to build on our last lesson and put our knowledge into activity. But first, let's do a quick review of what we covered last time."

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