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The next day:

y/n and jimin are sitting at a cafe while the waiter just served two americano for them. "Now, I want only answers from you y/n. Speak!" jimin sounded angry. " Don't be angry jimin. I know I kept a secret between us. I am so sorry for that. But I had to. " you tried to calm him. " I said I want answers. Care to explain why you did that?" He yelled at you. You released a heavy breathe and explained the situation.

10 days before:

"What? NO! I won't marry you" you said firmly giving him death glare.

"Shut up y/n. I don't want to marry you too. But I need you here." he said

" For God sake Taehyung! You need me for what? Care to explain?" you asked out of frustration

"Yeah. I will. First sit and listen to my story" he said pointing to the seat at the table. you sat on the chair folding my arms. He began to tell.

" Sir , You are not allowed right mow. She was in a meeting" bodyguard said to taehyung as he was about to open the door of her mom's room.

" I need to see her now. " He told him as he was frustrated of not allowing him into the door.

" Mam particularly told not to disturb sir! We are just doing our job" he said.

"Who's in there?" Taehyung asked

" We don't know sir" he said , taehyung gave up and walked back to his office. But something was suspicious. So he went to the backyard where her room can be seen. He thought he could see the person through the glass window. But curtains are closed. He tried jumping and all he can do but saw nothing. He walked out of the house through the backdoor and he saw a car at the corner of the street. It did seem familiar to him. So walked towards the car and seems to notice something. Then he heard a sound from the house. He hid at the back of the car and tried to see the person.She was talking or more likely yelling on the phone barging out of his house straight to the car. When she reached the car he understood who it was. " I said KILL him. Is it so hard for you?" she talked on the phone. " What? No one would suspect. I promise." she said. "No listen, if you don't kill him your family won't be safe Mr.Lee. It's your choice. Will you kill him or shall I kill your daughter?" she asked. She kicked  the car out of frustration and said " I will deal with you in person. I'm coming over" she hopped into the car and started the car.

" Who is it taehyung?" Y/n asked.

"It is your step-mother. Mrs.Lee hwa-Young" He said. You were surprised to heard this. Although you both were in bad terms, You seem to know she was a good person. At least for Ae-ra. But She was black-mailing your father , and maybe the daughter she was talking about is you or ae-ra. You are scared now. She was the one who killed your happiness.

"I-I don't know if it the time to be scared. But I am taehyung." you said looking confused.

"Don't. Don't let your fear take over you. I am not finished yet" he said.

"Tell me. Finish it off , then I would decide if I should marry you or not" you said.

" You ARE marrying me sweetheart. You can't go back on your word.Remember?" he said. You got frustrated for this deal. But you decided to be in control. " Continue, you stupid-jerk" you clenched your fist.

" Now, its better. Okay then .."

Taehyung walked towards the main door to act like he was coming from somewhere. When he came up to his mom's room, no bodyguards were there. He didn't noticed that and about to barge in to ask his mother but stopped as he heard the voice from inside the room. Her mom speaking on the phone " I know, I will take care of taehyung. You just take care of the driver. Taehyung didn't know he was not the one drived that night, but better kill him. I know taehyung , he won't spare anyone if he find anything about his brother's death" she said. After a long pause she spoke " Then, I have no choice but to kidnap him. He will eventually stop if his mother tells him to." she evil-laughed. " about y/n, I fired her. I kept a person to search for the documents at her office. We will have the information" she said and paused for a moment. " I have a meeting in 10 minutes , I need to go. Bye" She cut the call. Taehyung walked back in the hallway and checked if anyone saw him. As he noticed none, he went upstairs to his room. He wasn't sure what he just listened. He wasn't exactly in a right mind. His mother, who he love the most in this world , involved in his brother's death. He has to know the truth. He was trembling with fear. He smashed the phone's screen by holding it tightly. He hurt himself and bleeded a lot. Her mother came up to his room. " Tae , Why did you- Oh my god! you are bleeding" she ran upto him and took his hand. " What happened?" she asked him. He didn't respond.  She took the phone from his hand carefully and kept it on the table. She hurriedly called the servant and asked her to bring a first aid box. Taehyung observed everything she was doing. She seems to be genuinely care for him but he was perplexed. He just saw her talking over the phone about hurting him and now she was doing the opposite. She was crying over a small cut on his hand. " Idiot! Why did you do it?" she hit him. " Mom, do you love me?" he couldn't help but asked her with tears brimming out of his eyes. " Are you stupid taehyung? I asked you why did you do it?" she was crying. He held her hands and turned to her " Please tell me mom. Do you love me?" she looked into his eyes "  Ofcourse , I love you the most my baby. You are my everything" she said. She bandaged his hand after doing the first-aid. After releasing a heavy breathe she wiped off her tears and asked him " Why did you came to my room?" . He couldn't say anything. He looked down and said " I just- just came to see you mom" . " Really? You said it was important  to Mr. Choi"  She asked him. " Oh! that- That I was going to tell you I couldn't find the driver in jun's case mom. He was dead. I don't know what to do." he said looking down. " My boy, Is this the reason you hurt yourself?" she asked him. He didn't respond. " Tae, look at me" she turned him towards her . She looked at him and said " My son, Please stop what you are doing. Your mother already lost a son, I don't want to lose you too." He  confused and said " No mom, I won't stop" she suddenly cried " If it was your brother, he would obey my orders. Just stop doing this for mother's sake. " she was a crying mess. He hugged her and said " Don't cry mom. I will stop this" but inside he knew it was all an acting. He could see the difference before and now but he agreed himself that everything she is doing here is acting.

" Then your mother might be the mastermind?" you asked him

"Maybe. Maybe not" he replied

" How did you end up here after knowing you will get kidnapped? I mean- If I were you, I would ask her right away. Why didn't you confront her? " You asked him out of curiosity.

" That's the difference y/n.Between you and me. If I confront her then, she would come up with a lie. My life will also be in danger and I had to act innocent to run away from her." He said which made you want to kick his ass. " Ugh! So what now?" you asked. " Why do you want to marry me?"

"And that's where our plan starts. I will hire you as my employee and take over jun's place in the company. We will let everyone believe that we were in love and convince our parents to let us marry. They won't suspect if we act like a real couple. We should act like we forget about jun. Then we should find the evidence. After everything, we will divorce." He said. You scoffed and said " No. I - I have a question. Why did you end up with this decision. To involve me?" He was shocked by your question and said " I didn't expected this from a person whom my brother loved . I didn't know you don't want to involve with his death. You have a selfless heart as my brother says. " he commented. " It's not I don't want to involve with his death, It's just I don't want to involve with you" you pointed at him.

" You think I have an option? No. To keep you safe THIS is the better option" he pointed at the laptop.

" I don't think so. You are pushing me into a risk by this." you said.

"What? no. Who will do anything if I was on your side? If you are here alone, I don't know when she will kill you. " He said keeping his hands in the air. He actually had a point so you released a breathe and said " We are definitely not a good team taehyung, you know that. We will end up fighting like this. You get that?" He rolled his eyes and said "You care for that now? Seriously y/n? This is the only way to protect you." he screamed out loud. " You think I don't understand? I said we might end up not knowing anything about jun's death" you screamed at him too. He released a breathe and said " The thing is we have to work together and trust each other. That is the only way for things between us to work out. So put our past behind and start over." he said offering a handshake. You were convinced and decided to take up this opportunity. You were full of rage. " Promise me you won't touch me" you said .

" Are you insane? We are about to get married. We have to act like a couple. And also - Ugh--kiss a few times" he said. You glared at him and said " NO KISS! " he said " alright! alright! who wants to kiss you?" you rolled your eyes and said " Then I want you to promise one thing." he looked at you knowingly and said " To keep you safe? Done." " No. I want you to keep my sister safe. We don't know about the daughter she was referring to." you said looking scared. He assured you by nodding and said " I promise I will keep aera safe. And also I will keep you safe" . You nodded at him and offered your hand " Let's get married." He took your hand and nodded.


" That's what happened " you told jimin. He took your hand and said " I'm sorry y/nie. I am wrong. I thought it was not a good choice." you looked at him and said " I suffered a lot jimin-ah. I want to know the truth too." he looked worried and said " I know y/n. I understand your pain. whatever you are taking step let me hold your hand and come with you" he said assuring you. You smiled at him and said " Thank you jimin. But if I had to take this step I had to let go of everyone I care about. I don't want you to be involved in this." He disappointed as his face began to gloom and said " I can protect myself y/n. You should not worry about me" you eyed him and said " I can't let you in. Unless taehyung wants you in" he scoffed and said " That would never happen." You let go of his hand and said " I hate him as much as you do. But right now I have to put it all aside and trust him. You got that?" he looked at you and said " Alright. You can do whatever you want. I will do what I can do. And it's not for you y/n. It's for my bestfriend. "He firmly said and went out of the cafe angrily.










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