Rinko's Arm

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During the flight back Rinko was starting to grit her teeth. So I gave her a pain killer but even that didn't do anything. "Rinko I'm sorry I.."
"It's okay eeerrrr. I grew careless just don't remind!" She's right I can't just keep apologizing she's trying to get her mind off the bite and I'm not being a helpful distraction in this situation.
I feel guilty about all of it, no matter how many times Rinko or Yukikaze says it's not my fault. I'm the one who's supposed to be in charge and strategize in the fight against the dead with my squad. When we arrived we headed straight to Dr.Kiryuu Sabato. I swear he's my last option but Rinko was the one to make the call. "RINKO ARE YOU CRAZY!?" I shouted. I don't know how to describe it. The first time I shouted it was like nothing I experienced before I felt some sort of disapproval but it was violent. I didn't even realize Dr.Sabato was right there in front of me. It was like time stopped and the whole world disappeared. "YOUR ARM CAN BE SAVED NEE-SAN DON'T BE KIYRUU'S EXPERIMENT!"

He looked at me like I offended him but he told me in a calming voice

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He looked at me like I offended him but he told me in a calming voice. "Tatsurou listen your sister is lucky because even if you packed the medicine used for infection bites it wouldn't help her..."
"WHY NOT!?" I exploded "YOU MADE THE DRUG AND VACCINE AND THE VERY VIRUS THAT CAUSE..!" "BECAUSE THE BITE HAD PARASITES!" Kiryuu cut me off to get his point out. I can hear my sister huffing and trying to slow her breathing but the bite looks like it's getting worse. "There's no time Tatsurou I have to operate or she'll die." I couldn't do anything but step out the way and let Sabato proceed. He picked up a cauterizing scalpel and bone saw and proceeded to operate on Rinko's arm. I can hear her scream in agony as he burns the bite mark and a large portion of her arm with a laser scalpel. I can smell her burning flesh like there's a hunger. "Yes I made the virus but it was remote controlled bioweapon. That I can kill off and the dead wouldn't be contagious..." Visions of me as a zombie biting Yukikaze's neck as she screams in terror and disbelief. Then I feel a sharp pain of a needle in my neck. "Ow." I slapped my neck after feeling that pinch and Kiryuu says"Don't inhale the parasites even the fumes contain a bit of the virus." I watched as Kiryuu operate Rinko's arm cutting around the bite mark. I can her hear screaming and crying. Ever cut Dr.Kiryuu made is cauterized. Not a single drop of blood when he cuts the bite on her arm. I was too fixated on her screams that failed to notice that all what was left was the bone. Kiryuu with remorse told me "I sorry if you stayed and saw, but there was nothing I can do to save her arm." With a sense of guilty I told him I understand."I'll see if I can make her new arm." I'm not surprised he made artificial body parts and limbs before that are 100% compatible to both human and Taimanin.
Yukikaze came up and hugged me out of the blue. "Ta...Tatsurou it's my fault this happened I should've been patient." She told me as she's crying. I can never be mad at her no matter what she did. "Yukikaze it's my fault I shouted we were supposed to be silent." "I was impatient Tatsurou stop taking the fall! I CAN'T BETTER MYSELF IF YOU TAKE THE FALL ALL BECAUSE YOU PROMISED TO..." I don't know why but I just grabbed and kissed her when she was beginning to scream and say something she'd regret. "Just shut up before you say something that'll hurt me." "Tatsurou?" Yukikaze said softly like she sees a new me. "Let us let Rinko rest." I said heading to the showers.

Yukikaze is all I have right now I can't lose her too.

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