Hansol (i_am_sparticles)

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"_____ air line lading in Korea in 5 minutes. Thank you for traveling on our air line" the announcer said in different languages but I didn't care, I just wanted to get off and just go for the audition to the pledis entertainment.

I got off the plane and hurried off but I had no idea of where I was going so I looked at the map again and again until I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry..anni...jwesonghabneda (sorry in a formal way)" I said as I picked my bag up from the ground.

"Haha it's okay, you can speak English" my eye widened at how fluent that person was so I looked up to find a handsome guy.

"Sorry" I smiled as I got up from the ground with his help.

"No problem" he smiled as he coughed and took his hand away from mine.

"A- I'm a little lost here so can you please help me of where this is??" I gave him my paper with a little drawing that one of the people there at the entertainment drew for me.

"Oh! We're going to the same place! Let's go" he said as I just followed him, is he auditioning?? But how he's dressed and everything seems like he's an idol....oh whatever that's not my point!


After 10 minutes of silent walking we reached the place and I entered.

"Now you go straight over there and you see that red door? Yeah that's the audition room. Now I need to go so bye!" he said as he jogged somewhere else but I was distracted by the line of people.

"Thank you!" I shouted as he just waved his hands as a goodbye. Aww I want to meet him again....


After the auditioning the people's faces looked happy and they said they would call if they accept me.

I rushed out of the room and just looked at my watch until I spotted him with...200 other guys with him.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Thank you for helping me, if it wasn't for you I would have been late for the audition" I said as he smiled.

"No problem" he shook my hand and went on this van until something burst into mind. Seventeen, Hansol. Oh~ so he is an idol....I want to meet him again. I thought as I felt paper in my hand, Mwoji? I opened it and found a phone number which is Hansol's.

I smiled as I typed something "Hello, my name is Paige. I'm truly thankful of you helping me" and sent it to him.

Hansol's P.O.V.

"Owww~ who's that girl~"


"She's very pretty."

"Look your blushing!"


"STOP THAT GUYS!" I shouted as I cover my face with one hand and looked outside until I got a message. I looked at my phone and saw the girl and she sent me...another thank you.

"Ah! It's her~" I glared at the guys and hit them. My gosh they need to stop making me more interested in Paige.

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