Your bias

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I've been extremely busy these days. You know, after I moved to Korea and things were just too harsh on me.

I've been struggling with homework and also been sick for now 2 months.

I didn't get over my friends and cried most the times.....especially having thoughts about him. My crush, ________.

I tried to push him aside since he's still all the way back in _____.

I've liked him for now 7 years and I knew at some point he used to like me too and so the last day we met with our mother's we played around outside the cafe where we went after our lunch.

I just wanted to check if he liked me and so I suggested to play Truth or Dare.

"Do you like someone?"

He looked at me and said....

"No one"

I smiled feeling a bit awkward now that I figured out that the question was a bit personal.

We ended that day hanging out at our school and picking pretty flowers from the big grass area and had an idea.

I remembered when we did a project of growing a radish in our class his partner taped the small un grown plant on the update journal.

After some more time together we all went back to my house and had a short session of crying all together. To be honest I cried the least for some reason but I was sad...that I won't be able to graduate my one more year at that school and I can't see them or my home.

Nothing really hit me too hard until I went to Korea and started school. That's where the walls came crashing down on me.

My friends and I talked occasionally but barely now that 3 months have pasted and I haven't seen them for 5 months.

And going back to yesterday I haven't checked my emails in days and I finally had time to go on my computer and found him finally answering my message in weeks (he doesn't message often to me or even his friends).

It said.

  Now that I think of it, I remember one of the last things we talked about-the time you asked me who I liked during our time outside the cafe... I didn't tell you, although I actually always liked you. But it's too late. I never told you or anyone else.  

My heart raced and I smiled. I wasn't getting emotional but I'm just happy...that we had the same feelings. We're both too young to even bother with dating but he gave me hope.




We both had time to talk for at least an hour and our moms came into the room and said hello to each other.  Our mom's seemed like teenagers, gosh their so close to each other even if the age gap is pretty far apart.

If we ever get to meet up, hopefully next year. I hope we'll all have a good time.

9 years later....

I was casually strolling around the park and listening to his debut songs.

Since that confession he would visit with his family but through those 9 years we only met two times. Ii was so happy when I heard he would move to Korea 5 years ago but we never met either...his mom wouldn't tell me at that time but I now know why.

He came here to be a trainee under Pledis.

I'm truly happy for him, I freaked out when he was on TV since I was an amateur about Pledis-

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