the8 (zpejante)

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"But ma!-"

"No! You go to that party with me! It's my boss's birthday and we can't afford to get you married with his son!" 

"Are you freakin kidding-"

"No, now go get changed in that dress and heels. Your a mess" she nagged as I rolled my eyes and ran in my room to see a metallic dark blue dress with matching heels and a silver clutch bag that surprised me a lot. It's beautiful and all but those heels...stilettos....UGH!!!!

I messed my hair up as I did light makeup, fixed my hair again and wore the stuff and it does fit pretty well but...I'm gonna come back home looking like a zombie.

"Are you ready!" I heard a faint shout coming from down stairs as I shouted back a yes and came down stairs to see my mom with a big smile as she gave me a hug which I didn't really hug her back since these stiletto's are killing me.

We went in the car and I walked like a penguin with this thing so it seemed like forever until I really got in the car.

"You need practice with those stiletto's"

"Mom! You never even teach me proper manners and stuff but you expect so much of me!" I angrily said as she glared at me and rolled her eyes.

We soon arrived to be greeted by body guards maids and all that people, we went inside and everything was lavishly decorated and there were a lot of adults.

I followed my mom but she disappeared away and I was basically lost but then a little boy wearing tuxedo ran into me making me almost fall if it wasn't for another man.

"Thank you" I awkwardly said as I fixed my stiletto's and looked up to freeze in place like I'm playing freeze dance.

"Are you okay miss?" he asked as I nodded and got back up from his grip.

He had his coloured hair pulled back and he was wearing a nice suit, who is this person?

"Ummm hello, I'm Ming Hao...the party owner's son" he smiled as I bowed in respect, crap I showed my clumsiness in front of him.

"D- don't bow like makes me feel uncomfortable since we seem the same age"

"18?" I asked as he nodded.

"Are you okay with those heels? They look extremely uncomfortable" he said with worry as I just awkwardly laughed.

"It's alright"

"Do you want to sit near the bench outside?"

"Sure" I smiled as he lead me outside and stopped in front of a painted bench, I sat down and admired the night sky as he did the same.

He broke the ice and started a conversation, he's a very nice person. I smiled along with him until my mom found me on the bench.

"Yah! You were supposed to follow me and introduce yourself in front of the boss and son-...WHO THE HECK IS THAT!" she screamed as she looked at me, I'm scared...

"Ah! Hello, Marie's mom I'm your boss's son Ming H-"

"Omo! I'm so sorry" she politely bowed as I smirked and crossed my arms as she slowly straightened herself back up.

"Now, my daughter needs to leave so excuse me. Nice to meet you Sir. Ming Hao" Omg, my mom's attitude is making me sick, she bowed again as she dragged me who was getting a piece of paper from him which is obviously his phone number.


After a while we became GIRLFRIEND AND BOYFRIEND! Our parents are super happy about it and they want us to be together forever which is going to be granted.

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