Part 3: Christmas Date

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"Left foot then right foot Mile!"

"...You're just getting a crack out of my tripping."

Laughing mirthfully, Apo held up his camera to take pictures of the man stumbling around on the ice rink, looking dashing as anything, and put a handout, "Do a little twirl!"

"Hell no!" Mile shouted back as he put his hands out to avoid falling, glared playfully at Apo who was entertained, "Glad you're getting a laugh out of me."

"Awww don't pout Mile."

Mile shakily skated back over to the edge where Apo was, stumbled then caught himself, and their faces hovered close when Apo's hands came to steady his biceps. He stared into golden eyes, "You're teasing me. You tricked me. How can I not pout?"

"I didn't trick you!"

"You said ice skate a little...doesn't that insinuate YOU were going to skate, Apo?"

Apo popped his lips as he held onto Mile's biceps with a cheeky grin, eyes crinkled mischievously, "Yes but I never said that I was going to be the one skating." He shrugged before he felt himself pulled forward and almost over the barrier, "Oi!"

"I should pull you in here and suffer with me."

The younger just rooted his feet and pulled at Mile's arms towards him instead, this made them appear like they were hugging in an odd way and Apo glared, "Rude."

"I learn fast."

Sticking his tongue out, Apo rolled his eyes, "I don't know how to skate okay? I'd look like an idiot and breaking my foot at my age doesn't seem tangible, Mile."

"Apo. I'm older than you."

"Age is a number."

"Hahaha you're a walking contradictory!" Mile couldn't believe they were having this argument then knew he'd concede with a laugh. He always conceded when he thought it wasn't important. He stared at the wispy lashes and then noticed the goosebumps along the other's neck from the chill of the ice. Removing his hands from Apo, he undid the scarf around his neck to settle it around Apo's firmly and when the younger protested, his gloved hands bracketed his friend's face, "You only had one winter set."

"Mile I'm only one person...I didn't need more."

"Yes but you gave all of it to me. Hat, gloves, and scarf. Wear the scarf and gloves at least. Please?" He removed the gloves to hand them to Apo, "Your hands will get cold holding the camera like that."

Apo froze at the warmed scarf around his neck that had been around Mile's, and he felt his words stuck at the 'please'. He could only nod. Was rewarded with Mile's bright smile and he gulped as he put on the gloves.

"Good. Now I'll reward you."

That made Apo's eyes narrow for a different reason now and he murmured unconsciously, "Reward me. Like what?"

"Like with photos of actual skating."

Mile started to skate backwards, balanced perfectly to the bumbling mess he had pretended to be when they'd arrived at the rink, circling around one round then another, all the while his focus was on Apo. He tossed a wink, "Pick up your jaw from the floor and watch." Then skated off in continuous motions, not an expert by any means, but not a novice either. He took in the chilled air into his lungs, probably a bad idea, and couldn't feel bothered. The guitarist felt surprisingly free at being unknown, unnamed, and unclaimed.

Apo shook his head as he took the pictures, tied the scarf firmly around his neck to lift his camera to take candid shots of Mile, other skaters, and was dazzled. For being a man with nothing, Mile seemed to have it all.

Merry Christmas Darling (Mile x Apo) [Mile x Apo]Where stories live. Discover now