Part 5: I'm Christmasting with You

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Apo stared at his phone with the information he'd been given. Apparently Kartini had done some research on her own about Mile and sent it to him. Since he was preoccupied with the guitarist to worry about things like actual identities, he was floored by it.

Lead guitarist and singer for the big Thai band, The Verde Petals, who was on currently break while the band wasn't touring. He just sat in the seat with a steel-like grip on the phone, "What do I do..."


Apo watched as Miku hopped up onto his lap, looked over to the tree glinting at him, rubbed his cat's head, "I didn't know who he was! We slept together! He's going to go back to Thailand and...I'll just be left with a memory."

The cat stared at him with a judgmental look that made Apo stick his tongue out at her. His body freshly bathed, changed into clean clothes, and his stomach grumbled for food. He dug out some pretzels to nibble as he looked at the snow still coming down. They'd have to wait for it to stop, to even dig through and venture out for actual food that wasn't sandwiches. He mentally cursed himself for not doing the grocery shopping. Apo lightly smacked his forehead, "Focus on the right problem, Po. Mile. Mile is the problem."

"I'm a problem?"

Apo felt Mile nuzzle his face into his hair, arms wound around him in the chair to keep him seated and he tried to not melt easily. It was too easy to do so when it came to Mile. It was a comfortable security blanket that he hadn't realized he'd been missing. It came flooding back that Mile was a rockstar, out of Apo's league and taken according to tabloids, and having confessed love to him during sex. "Kind of..."

"You smell really good, Apo."

"I took a shower."

"Didn't want to wait for me? I could've washed your back," Mile teased with a kiss to Apo's temple but frowned when the other wasn't kidding about being a problem and he spun the other around in the seat. He didn't like how Apo's posture read disappointment, "Baby what's wrong?"

"Phakphum Romsaithong. That's your real name?"

"...It's my given name yes." He didn't bother to say otherwise. He'd been found out.

"A living rockstar with a big band back home, Mile?"

"I mean...sort of?"

Apo rolled his eyes, nudged at Mile to give him space to get up and set his bowl along with the cup he'd used for hot chocolate into the sink as he sighed, "You're out of my league Mile."

"Who? What?" Mile could sense the misunderstanding and wanted to nip it.

"You're also dating a fucking model. Did that escape your mind when you were—ugh! — why did I fall into your charm?" Apo gripped the edge of the sink. Back facing Mile.

The elder came to wrap himself completely around the lithe frame, cocoon Apo into the sink and shook his head, "I'm who you say I am. I didn't deny it." Mile let out another sigh, "I'm not dating anyone. That was a publicity stunt I had to suffer through then we broke up before I came here. My family recommended I come here to get away from everything...sound familiar?"

"Yeah. I get that." Apo's whole reason for being in New York was for a change and to escape.

"You're not out of my league. I'm nobody here. I'm just Mile," Mile shifted Apo around to face him firmly, "You made me someone important. You ... made me believe in love at Christmas. My family told me to find myself..."

"That didn't change when you woke up Mile?"

"Were you waiting for me to say just kidding? Just because we had sex?" Mile's brow rose at Apo's guilty expression and cupped that face to press a firm kiss to them, "Nope. I just fell for you at first sight in the bar. You letting me stay with you, even an hour, just made it hard for me to pull myself out of the hole I dug."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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Merry Christmas Darling (Mile x Apo) [Mile x Apo]Where stories live. Discover now