Part 4: Staying Warm

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Just fantastic.

Apo glared at his phone after he hung up with the landlord of the apartment building. When he and Mile made it back to his place, a deep silence between them on the ride back that contrasted the laughter they shared at the park and by the Christmas tree, only to be accentuated by the frigidness in the apartment. Apparently the heat had kicked off and they were fixing it but the estimated time for it to be up and running was in the early morning hours.

It was only 8PM. It wasn't Christmas yet. He hadn't watched any movies yet. He hadn't broken the ice with Mile yet.

"It's going to be a while till we get heat back in the apartment..."

Mile had gone to walk to the window to stare out and saw lots of snow start to fall down, "Seems there's a storm coming."

"Great. A snowstorm for Christmas with no heat?" Apo groaned as he tossed his phone onto his bed, running his hand through his hair as he sighed, "That's why it's freezing in here." He looked over to Mile lightly and then off to the side, "I'm sure you can find a good hotel with the tips you made tonight if you want to know..."

"If I want to what?"


Mile set his guitar down and walked over to Apo who wouldn't look him in the eye but grabbed the younger's wrists, "Apo. Did I say something wrong?" No reply and he gave the wrists a shake, "Please look at me." He got a cool gaze, "When I offered the money earlier it wasn't to shame you or something, I wanted to repay you."

"You've already repaid me Mile."


Apo sighed and rolled his eyes, "Just spending time with me was enough. I really was expecting to spend Christmas alone and just kind of mellow. Then you came to skate and take pictures with the was the most payment ever. Believe me, I don't need money," The younger finally made eye contact and could see Mile hadn't meant ill will or to tease him, "I'm sorry. I got offended because I live simply so I don't want people to offer me money like a charity case. I'm not super rich or anything—"

"What made you assume I believed that? I'm the charity case since I came to the bar with nothing," Mile released those wrists and instead enveloped his arms around the lithe frame. It was like if he didn't then Apo would disappear, "I'm sorry too if what I said was wrong. I grew up knowing that money was everything in life. Now that I didn't have it and you offered me a lot too with a home and your company, I felt like I would take advantage of you if I didn't give you the tips. I get how that comes off as weird though. My bad."

Snorting against Mile's shoulder, Apo took the moment to bury his face into it and wrap his arms around Mile's waist as they stood in a hug, he sighed, "Are you cold and hugging me for warmth Mile?"

"Such pessimistic thinking Apo," The elder pretended to be slighted but only leaned back to smile at Apo, "You're partially right. I didn't want you to disappear from me."

"I'm afraid you'll disappear from me first. We're just friends and I'll take you to the embassy after Christmas. You'll continue your city holiday without me."

"What's the rush?"

"Don't you want to contact your family? Your friends? Your..." Apo left that open.

"I don't have a partner Apo. My parents are on their honeymoon in Europe and my brother threatened my livelihood if I dared to call them before Christmas to latch onto them," Mile shrugged and squeezed the body in front of him, "Am I forgiven?"

Merry Christmas Darling (Mile x Apo) [Mile x Apo]Where stories live. Discover now