new friends, old friend

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Now, let's get your boys measured for their uniforms.

As Nathaniel and Andy stood still, Raine took their measurements and noted them down. She then said to Judy that before tomorrow, their uniforms would be ready.

"Also, we are strict with the students who are not following the uniform, so don't forget that, kids."

"So what is done to the person who doesn't follow?" asks Andy.

"When you enter, you will see that. You are very lucky that this year started very recently. One of your educators hates people who are late."

When they exited, Nathaniel collided with a redheaded girl as both of them were distracted. "Ouch, can't you watch where you're going?!" shouted Nathaniel.

"And can't you watch who you're bumping into?!" replied the girl.

"You haven't even started school yet, and you're already causing trouble," said Andy with a smile as he helped Nathaniel up.

"Hey boys, can you hurry up? I need to finish dinner quickly," urged Judy.

"Yes, Mom. Yes, Aunt Judy," replied the boys as Gabriella appeared. "I see that I finished in time before you leave," said Gabriella.

When they got home, they ate their dinner in their new house.

"So what do you think about our new place? Do you like it?" said the dad, eating at the same time.

"Slurp, it's old. I like that," already forgetting the event earlier while eating the soup.

"I can't say I don't like it until here," said Andy.

"A very charming place," said Gabriella.

"For me, a little bit of modernity would be appreciative," said Judy.

"So tomorrow will be the first time here where I will not be here," said George.

They continued discussing until eight. After that, the Dad said that they needed to sleep as they would have school the next day and headed to their rooms - Andy with Nathaniel, Aunt Gabriella with Kevin.

In Nathaniel's bed, Andy asked him a question, "Are you ready for tomorrow? We will begin a new life."

"Honestly, no. It reminds me of the time with Shawn," said Nathaniel.

"You still miss him, huh? When I think of it, you hung out with him more than you did with me when he was alive. At that time, we were five and seven. Now that you're eight and I'm ten, he was your best friend," said Andy.

"I'm sorry to make you feel that way. I just can't forget that moment when he..." Nathaniel broke down sobbing.

"It's fine, guy. Don't feel guilty. We know that this is not your fault," said Andy, also feeling sad.

After that, Nathaniel hugged him and cried with all his heart.

The next morning, Judy woke up the boys early.

"Boys, wake up! Today is your first day of school," said Judy.

Andy had been awake for 30 minutes, but Nathaniel was still sleeping. "30 minutes more, Mom."

"We don't have that here. Wake up, lazy boy," said his mom.

"Okay, okay, but what would we wear since the uniform is at school?" said Nathaniel.

"He's right, Aunt Judy. What would we wear, and we don't even have materials," said Andy.

"Ah, for that, the school will give you that. Just be prepared as usual. There you will change," confirmed Judy.

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