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Days passed and there was no idea on how to find either Sarah or Nathaniel. Christmas was in five days. I had less than five days to get my mother her Christmas present, but I didn't know how to get it. Cecilia and Owen spoke to me daily, we exchanged ideas, but nothing realistic came from the ideas. Cecilia suggested we went to the police and ask for their help, it sounded very ridiculous. We can't file for a missing person report when we can't even describe the person missing. Jeremiah called me from time to time, asking if there was a way he could help. I explained everything to him, gave him the latest update on the search, yet, nothing fruitful could come out of his suggestions. It was looking like a lost course, nothing new and exciting. The club at Avram was eventually shut, there was no sign of Sarah. I thought about resuming to work since there was nothing doing again, I got bored staying at home, got tired of cracking my brain for a way to find Sarah. I searched for her name on social media accounts, I could only see her on Facebook, I sent her a friend request which she did not accept. I visited my mother and cried in her arms, telling her I was tired and I was getting nowhere in the search. She comforted me and told me not to give up. I told her about the club incident, she freaked out but was thankful I survived it. "I suggested we go and ask some gangsters if they know Sarah, but Owen and Cecilia don't like the idea. They said it's too dangerous." I spoke.

"It is. You could get shot." She replied.

"I know, right? But it's the only realistic option we have."
"There will always be another way, you are just not seeing it yet."

"Please help me see it, because I am tired." I replied. "I guess I'll just go back to work tomorrow. I am tired of staying at home."

"When are you going to get yourself a man, Naomi?" She asked.

"Whenever I am ready, ma."

"You are twenty-eight for crying out loud."

"Is being single at twenty-eight a crime, mother?"

"I was twenty-three when I met Jeremiah, and I have not regretted falling in love with him since then."

"I haven't found a guy yet, mother. I do not want to fall for the wrong person." I responded.

"What's wrong with Owen? He's a nice guy."

"Is Owen the only guy on earth? Why's everyone hell bent on me being with him? We had something before doesn't mean we are meant for each other. He is my best friend, along with Cecilia and I want it to remain that way." I retorted.

"As your mother, I am only concerned." She replied.

"Thanks for your care. I will get a man when I find one worthy. Most of them are just after my body. Like my stupid boss I went on a date with and was asking if we could have sex later at his place. Does he think I am that cheap? Such a dickhead." I sat upright on the bed. "I have to get going. It's getting late. I have to go and get ready for work tomorrow." I stood up and picked my bag from the floor.

"I just hope you will not give up the way I did." She said.

I gazed at her for some seconds, kissed her on her forehead and replied, "I hope so too, ma. But do not expect much, I have given it my all."

"The spirit of Christmas will guide you." She replied. I didn't say anything. I walked away and said goodbye when I opened the door.

I began my walk home; my mother's place wasn't too far from mine. My journey home was a sober one, I couldn't believe the search was going to end just like that, the Christmas songs playing across the street sounded like a burial song in my ears, everything was depressing.

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